
KOF'91 Fighting Engine / News: Recent posts

Hi there...

Two years without news is bad, so here I am.

If you're one of these that looks at the code, then you know I was working on the project in the last months. I was rebooting the project (once again) and I know it's not good idea, but old code was a mess and I commited several mistakes and bad decisions. I was working on Allegro.pas to (almost) finish with branch 4 and I learned a lot by using it in my 2 entries of Ludum Dare, and I wan to apply all that in the engine.... read more

Posted by Guillermo Martínez Jiménez 2016-01-20

New SVN repository

Some time ago SourceForge moved their SVN repository to a newer server system. Unfortunately I was too busy to check it and do the moving appropriately.

Today I did fix it. Please, check it and tell me if there's any mistake.

Posted by Guillermo Martínez Jiménez 2013-10-28