
#253 Moveing reconcilliation process in an extra window


After starting the reconciliation wizard it is not very clear to see that you are in a reconciliation mode after closing the wizard dialog box and returning to the ledgers view. That's irritating beginners very much. So it would be very helpful if the reconciliation mode is displayed clear to the user, maybe with a big headline, or better: doing reconciliation in a separate window. Quicken 2010 does it in a good way: you have a reconciliation window, that is split in 2 areas: one area is a list with the imported transactions not matched to a transaction. The second area is a ledgers view with unmatched and matched transactions.
To manually match a transaction, you select the imported one in the first list and the second transaction to match with in the ledgers list. After pressing "match" button the two transactions are matched together and the matched transaction disappears in the imported transaction list. When there is no offline transaction to match with an imported one, there is another button to simply to take over the imported transaction as a new transaction in the ledger. In both cases the status field is automatically updated to "reconciled". You do that until the first list with the imported (and not matched/added) transactions is empty.

That is very intuitive and works fine. The reconciliation handling of KMM in the moment is a little bit unclear, because the imported transactions are mixed together with the other transactions in one ledgers view containing all.
