
#250 Implementing online banking functions like money transfers,.


In other online banking software it is possible to do more online banking activies, like creating money transfers, managing standing orders ("Dauerauftraege"), etc. and send/receive it via hbci to the bank.
It would be great, if this could be done with kmymoney as well. Especially creating money transfers would be very helpful because you could use the payees list of kmymoney.


  • Navid Zamani

    Navid Zamani - 2011-08-20

    Seconded. I’m shocked that this functionality is still missing, as it’s the whole damn point of using banking software in the first place.

    I mean what’s the point of even using it now? Do they seriously expect me to enter all that stuff *manually*? That’s insane! This is not the 1980s!

    Please make it your top priority to add this, as everybody in Germany or other countries where online banking is normal will install KMyMoney, seach for this functionality for a long time since he can’t believe that this could be missing (that’s like a text editor without the ability to *enter* text!), finally realize it really doesn’t exist, and promptly uninstall it again, now telling others to avoid it and how it’s not an alternative to things like WiSo Mein Geld.

  • eisnerd

    eisnerd - 2011-12-29

    I really like KMyMoney, but it should really use onlinebanking in complete. Especially standing orders are missing.

  • kaputtnik

    kaputtnik - 2012-01-06

    This feature would really be great. Without the ability to make money transfers, kmymoney isn't usefull.