
windows_installation  Edit


1. INSTALL JAVA 8-10 (Java 11 currently not supported)

Kmttg is written in Java and latest versions requires Windows Vista or later OS and Oracle Java version 1.8.0_40 or later. You can download Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from here:

IMPORTANT: Java versions earlier than 1.8.0_40 will NOT work. Java 11 or later currently not supported


Download kmttg current platform independent installation zip file from Files area:

  • file – This contains the platform independent kmttg installation files


  • Unpack file to your desired location. In this example: c:\kmttg
  • In Windows you can right click on a zip file and ask it to extract to a specific folder. Make a new folder and extract to that folder if this is your 1st kmttg installation, otherwise extract to an existing folder and tell Winzip to allow overriding existing files.

NOTE: You must have write access to this folder that contains kmttg.jar since kmttg tries to write configuration file to same folder. Hence for Windows Vista or later you should generally NOT install under c:\Program Files or c:\Program Files (x86) as they have locked down write permissions that may prevent proper file writing.

NOTE: Do NOT browse into the file and launch kmttg.jar from there. Even though that will start kmttg GUI there are other files and folders that are needed for a complete install. Therefore you should make sure to unzip the file fully first and then launch kmttg.jar from that location.

UPGRADE INSTALLATION TIPS (Version v1p0a or later)

  • Starting with version v1p0a you can now update kmttg installation to latest official version automatically using Help-Update kmttg... menu entry. kmttg will check your installed version against the latest available official version and prompt to update if they are different.
  • You can also update helper tools now automatically using Help-Update tools... menu entry if running on Windows or Mac platforms. Note that there is no tools version check so this can be used to install the latest available tools zip package regardless if you have installed it before or not.

UPGRADE INSTALLATION TIPS (older versions of kmttg)

  • If upgrading from older Java kmttg installation you can normally unzip over the previous installation. That way you can preserve the kmttg configuration and avoid having to re-configure. NOTE: In some cases there are other files and folders aside from kmttg.jar updated as part of a release, so you should unzip the zip file over the top of your previous installation to make sure you overwrite all files that make up an installation. When unzipping instruct Windows to overwrite previous files. If you want to install to same location and make sure to get a clean new installation then remove everything except *.ini files. That way you get a full new installation but preserve all your previous settings.
  • For some releases the 3rd party tools are also updated. To force kmttg to download and install the accompanying 3rd party tools simply remove the tivodecode folder. Then when you start kmttg GUI allow it to download and install the tools package (it will overwrite the files in current installation).

NOTE: If you have older version of kmttg service running you should shut down the service first and then unpack zip file over existing installation. If you don't do so then certain files cannot be overridden and hence installation will fail.

NOTE: If you are installing to a new location and use kmttg service then make sure you remove the kmttg service and install it again using the new kmttg installation otherwise you will still be running older version.


Simply double click on kmttg.jar file (c:\kmttg\kmttg.jar in this example) of the installation to start the program. You can also create a shortcut to that file if you wish to make it easier: Simply browse to kmttg.jar file and then right click on it and choose Copy, then right click mouse over empty desktop space and choose Paste Shortcut. Now when you double-click on that desktop shortcut it will launch the kmttg GUI.
NOTE: If double-clicking on kmttg.jar file does nothing then you don't have proper jar file association setup. Either re-install Java or do the following to set the proper association. First determine full path to your Java installation javaw.exe file. Then start a cmd window as administrator and type:

assoc .jar=jarfile
ftype jarfile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_45\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*
(Of course replace path to javaw.exe above with your java installation path.)
  • The first time launch you will be prompted to allow kmttg to download and install required tools. Choose Yes and wait for the download and installation to complete.
  • Also the first time you launch kmttg you will be prompted for your 10 digit Media Access Key (MAK) which is needed to download & decrypt programs from your Tivos.
  • You will probably want to further configure kmttg after installation. Consult the [configuring_kmttg] wiki page for details.


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  • Darr247

    Darr247 - 2017-07-09

    If you downloaded the tools zip file at the same time as KMTTG, put its contents in the same folder where you extracted KMTTG to save yourself the double download of the tools zip.

  • Rob Terzi

    Rob Terzi - 2019-04-22

    Tried and failed with OpenJDK, found this ticket. There should probably be a caveat to use the Oracle JRE/JDK, not OpenJDK unless you can install JavaFX separately.


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