
remote_control  Edit


NOTE: This documentation is updated to match latest kmttg release only.

NOTE: To use this capability make sure you have Network Remote Control enabled on your TiVo(s):

  • Settings--Remote, CableCARD & Devices--Network Remote Control--Allow network-based remote controls

NOTE: Also to use this capability make sure you provide your username and password under kmttg configuration--Tivos tab to enhance Search/Search++ capabilities

NOTE: Under kmttg configuration "Tivos" tab you may need to enable rpc option for each series 4 or later TiVo you want to use with this remote (in recent releases Series 4 units will be enabled automatically if you provide your login information). While kmttg allows you to enable option for pre series 4 units they won't work. As soon as you have at least 1 TiVo enabled with this option you will see an additional Remote tab in the main kmttg window.

Thanks to some reverse engineering of the rpc protocol by TCF member 'arantius' there is now capability of communicating with series 4 or later units using the rpc protocol, which opens the door to a lot of information which can now be obtained from series 4 or later units. kmttg Remote Control takes advantage of these capabilities to offer some new features not previously possible to implement.

Different features are separated into separate Tabs on the Remote Control. Below are links to documentation on each of the kmttg Remote tabs:

ToDo tab
Season Passes tab
Won't Record tab
Season Premiers tab
Search tab
Guide tab
Streaming tab
Deleted tab
Thumbs tab
Remote tab
Info tab


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Wiki: config_Tivos
Wiki: using_kmttg