
keyboard_shortcuts  Edit


File Menu shortcuts

Ctrl-L Clear message window
Ctrl-E Refresh Encoding Profiles
Ctrl-M Save message window contents to log file
Ctrl-O Bring up Configuration options GUI
Ctrl-R Download Metadata
Ctrl-S Bring up Search Table dialog

Now Playing List Table

NOTE: Right click on a table entry to bring up POPUP MENU.
NOTE: RPC enabled => series 4 or later TiVos

m Get extended metadata Get extended metadata for selected show (only available when relevant)
Delete Delete Delete a show from TiVo (only for TWP or RPC enabled TiVos)
Backspace Delete Delete a show from TiVo (only for TWP or RPC enabled TiVos)
p Play Start playing selected shows in NPL table on TiVo (only for RPC enabled TiVos)
i Show Information Display Show Information dialog (only for RPC enabled TiVos)
j Display data Dump information on currently selected row to message window
n Episode Info For series shows print all episode information to csv file and/or to a table
q Web query IMDB query to web browser for currently selected show
r Display RPC data Dump all RPC data on currently selected row to message window (only for RPC enabled TiVos)
ctrl-s Search table Bring up Search Table dialog
t Tree state toggle Toggle between all trees fully expanded or contracted
c Import AutoSkip cuts Import AutoSkip data for selected show if available. See [SkipShareImport]
e Export AutoSkip cuts Create VideoRedo VPrj file or edl cut file from AutoSkip data if it exists. See [AutoSkip].
v AutoSkip from SkipMode Generate AutoSkip table entry based on TiVo SkipMode data. See [AutoSkip_from_SkipMode]
w AutoSkip from SkipMode - ALL Run "AutoSkip from SkipMode" on all eligible entries. See [AutoSkip_from_SkipMode]
z Play In AutoSkip Mode Play a show containing AutoSkip data in AutoSkip mode. See [AutoSkip]
k NONE Prints TiVo SkipMode information if available
s NONE Same as clicking on START JOBS button
Up arrow NONE Move row selection up 1 row
Down arrow NONE Move row selection down 1 row

JOBS Table

c Same as clicking on CANCEL JOBS button

General Remote Tables

NOTE: Right click on a table entry to bring up POPUP MENU.
NOTE: RPC enabled => series 4 or later TiVos

a Add to history file Add selected entry to auto.history file
i Show Information Display Show Information dialog (only for RPC enabled TiVos)
j Display data Dump information on currently selected row to message window
k NONE Prints TiVo SkipMode information if available (Search and NPL tables only)
n Episode info List all episodes of a series. Output either to CSV file or to Streaming table.
q Web query IMDB query to web browser for currently selected show
Up arrow None Move row selection up 1 row
Down arrow None Move row selection down 1 row
ctrl-s Search table Bring up Search Table dialog
t Tree state toggle Toggle between all trees fully expanded or contracted
ctrl-t Change thumbs rating Display Set Thumbs dialog to change/set thumbs for selected show

Season Passes Remote Table

Up arrow None Move selected show up in priority (click on Re-order button once desired order is set)
Down arrow None Move selected show down in priority (click on Re-order button once desired order is set)
Delete Delete Remove selected season pass (same as clicking on Delete button)
c Copy Copy selected loaded season pass to selected destination TiVo
i Show Information Display Show Information dialog (only for RPC enabled TiVos)
j Display data Dump information on currently selected row to message window
m Modify Modify recording options of selected season pass
o Conflicts Show upcoming recording conflicts related to selected season pass
p Change Priority Prompts you for new priority # to set for currently selected row
q Web query IMDB query to web browser for currently selected season pass
u Upcoming Show upcoming recordings for selected season pass
ctrl-s Search table Bring up Search Table dialog
ctrl-t Change thumbs rating Display Set Thumbs dialog to change/set thumbs for selected show

TiVo Remote

Tooltips show the keyboard shortcut associated with each button, so shortcuts for buttons are not show here. Summarized here are other keyboard shortcuts not associated with any button that are useful for virtual keyboard screens:

0-9 0-9
a-z a-z
shift a-z A-Z
space space
backspace Backspace
comma ,
period .
slash /
quote '
colon :
backquote `
dash -
equals =
forward slash /
open bracket [
close bracket ]
tick '
comma ,
dot .
backslash \
shift 1 !
shift 2 @
shift 3 #
shift 4 $
shift 5 %
shift 6 ^
shift 7 &
shift 8 *
shift 9 (
shift 0 )
shift ` ~
shift - _
shift = +
shift [ {
shift ] }
shift ; :
shift \ ?
shift ' "
shift , <
shift . >
shift \ pipe
alt m Jump to minute
alt , Skip minutes back
alt . Skip minutes forward


Wiki: AutoSkip
Wiki: AutoSkip_from_SkipMode
Wiki: Home
Wiki: SkipShareImport
Wiki: release_notes_v1p0
Wiki: remote_remote
Wiki: using_kmttg