
#5 helping with German translation


hi, I saw on your website that the German translation is currently no longer maintained, is there anything in particular that needs fixing/review?
I would be willing to take a stab at translating or updating a few things, if there is a need.

What is the recommended way to contribute a translation?
Do you use launchpad? Or are there any files that can be easily edited so that I can send a patch?



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    also, if there are translation that are currently not being maintained, there should probably be a corresponding disclaimer added to each page saying "disclaimer: this documentation is currently not maintained, it may be out of date - if you want to help, get in touch with ...."

    Maybe, there could be a simple wiki like frontend that allows anybody to suggest changes/updates to the documentation?

    I am saying this only because I just realized that some new commands don't seem to be mentioned at all, maybe it would then be better to at least display the ENGLISH reference, instead of displaying nothing at all - I mean for the sake of completeness.

    In fact, it would even be better to display any updated documentation whenever it is available, regardless of the language.

    So that, even if there is German documentation available on the "print" command, the English documentation would be displayed IF it has been updated (and the German one hasn't been). This would ensure that people notice that there was a change.

    There could be a warning or notice displayed saying that the English documentation is shown, because there were recently updates added.

    Maybe there is a way to have some form of fine grained documentation tracking, so that some form of wiki could be used to allow users to easily translate strings, but just resort to the latest default/English language if it contains updates that are not yet reflected in other languages?

    Otherwise there is a real risk that people are working with outdated information/documentation.

    Anyhow, there should at least be a corresponding disclaimer at the top of each document, saying when it was last updated and for which version of kidbasic it is, preferably providing a link/email address (mailing list) for people to get in touch with the team to contribute new translations

  • Sergei Irupin

    Sergei Irupin - 2010-06-05

    Write to me at the address and in response I will send you a file for translation and detailed instructions. This is the easiest way for you, but inconvenient for us :)

    If you want to make it convenient for us - download svn copy of the current design:
    svn co https:/ / kidbasic

    and then, using QtLinguist translate what is not translated.

    Good luck!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks for your response, I will make sure to look into this - but please consider adding such instructions to the website, as previously mentioned. I feel this would be important to get people involved, especially when it is being made very clear that help is actually required, so there should be a pathway towards providing and receiving this very help.

    I am now downloading this:

  • Sergei Irupin

    Sergei Irupin - 2010-06-05

    You downloaded the QT Linguist? Do you use Linux or Windows? Which e-mail you send a file with a German translation?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I think, we are having a misconception - I was asking about translating the web based documentation/reference, not the program itself - anyway, I still ran qtlinguist and translated what was missing, please find the patch at the tracker:

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Just saw the commit message: wow, that was a fast commit - kudos to you for being so responsive !! :-)

  • Sergei Irupin

    Sergei Irupin - 2010-06-05

    Да, возможно нам трудно понимать друг друга. Ведь мой родной язык - русский. И я использую google-переводчик, чтобы писать Вам и чтобы переводить Ваши слова. Ещё раз прощу прощения. Давайте запасемся терпением, чтобы понимать друг друга, нам потребуется время :-)

  • Sergei Irupin

    Sergei Irupin - 2010-06-05

    Yes, it is difficult for us to understand each other. After all, my native language - Russian. And I'm using google-translator to write to you and to translate your words. Once again, forgive forgiveness. Let's be patient, to understand each other, we need time :-)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    really no problem!
    It is amazing how this open source stuff works, with people from all over the world using and working on improving open source software.
    I have added another update to the patch tracker.

    If you need anything else, just let me know.

    All the best from Germany!

  • Jim Reneau

    Jim Reneau - 2010-08-05

    The documentation has been moved to a new WIKI at - all you need to do is register and you will be able to update and help maintain. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Send me an email for more information.

  • Jim Reneau

    Jim Reneau - 2010-08-17


    Register and sign into the documentation site and you will see that I have copied the English index page into the DE documentation and also copied all of the new EN pages into the DE folder. This will allow you to go page by page and replace the English with German and the translation should not be so difficult.

    I will also sometimes own two browser windows and copy and paste from one window (tab) to another. Please feel free to contact me via email for any further help.

    I wish there was a diff utility. I will search for a plug-in for DOCUWIKI.



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