
Keros / News: Recent posts

Keros 1.3 dropped - 2.0 is the next release

Ant 1.8.0 was recently released. There were some neat new features such as including/importing URL relative resources that will greatly benefit Keros. As such, all 1.3 related work has been halted and a complete rewrite of Keros is at hand! The next release will be entitled 2.0.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2010-04-04

Keros 1.3 - slowly coming along

I am doing my best to get Keros 1.3 completed. This is going to introduce some new features - like project types (Ant, Subversion, Java, etc). There is much churn right now...but hopefully that will soon be over. Once 1.3 is released, we will be moving to Trac and Git.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-06-16

Moving to git for source code control

Keros will soon be moving from Subversion to git. I use git at work, and to date, have somewhat weaker skills with git. I hope to do that this coming weekend (02/28/08).

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-03-25

Keros development may slow some


With the current release of Keros, it is fairly stable/robust. I am currently in the process of using Keros for JPlate ( and Open Qabal ( Some issues became apparent immediately - thus the current 1.2 release. Please do not let the lack of activity be considered a lack of interest in this project. If you have monitored the releases thus far you will note that this has been a year+ long project. Actually, much longer if one considers Keros started as a sub-project of JPlate (namely The Environment).... read more

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-02-10

Keros 1.2 released!

This release includes amongst other things improved documentation and better control over releases.

For further information, please refer to

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-02-10

Keros 1.1 released!

We are pleased to announce that Keros 1.1 is now released. This release has better documentation features and Ivy integration. For further information, please refer to the Subversion log:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2009-01-26

Keros 1.0 released!

Keros 1.0 is now released and includes support for FindBugs, Castor, Ivy and JavaCC. Included libraries: FindBugs (due to a pom issue) and Ivy. Castor and JavaCC are maanged via Ivy. For further information please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-12-04

Release 1.0 coming...slowly

The 1.0 release of Keros is proceeding at a much slower pace than anticipated. I am currently using Keros to build JPlate - finding many integration issues and resolving them. When I am able to build JPlate using Keros, I will release 1.0. I do not have any idea as to when this will be completed.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-12-01

Release file mishaps

Apparenty the release files are being constructed incorrectly. For example, document releases contain invalid links and directories that are plain wrong. The actual binary release is flawed as well and contains -no- Ant scripts whatsoever. My apologies about this confusion. This will all be fixed when 1.0 is released.

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-11-20

Release 1.0 RC-2

We are pleased to announce Keros 1.0 RC-2. This is an incremental release of 1.0 RC-1. For more information, please see:

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-10-30

Release of 1.0 RC 1

We are pleased to announce the release of Keros 1.0 RC 1! This is certainly a pre-1.0 release (thus the RC 1 designation). For more information, please refer to the Subversion log

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-10-25

Keros 0.1 released

Initial release of Keros 0.1. This is the port from the JPlate Environment to its own project.

For further information, please refer to

Posted by Scot P. Floess 2008-01-14