
Work resumed as now I have a DMX 6Fire!

Vedran Miletic from Croatia kindly donated his DMX 6Fire card. Thank you Vedran !

As KDE4.1 now stabilized, I resumed work on this project. It's still on the KDE playground and right now it is not quite usable, as I'm doing massive UI rewrite. The new version will be (hopefully) much more beautiful and even more simpler to use.

The new kenvy24 will be organized in several parts:
- the main part, wich will be holding all the features, by agregating the other parts,
- the mixer part - mainly used to control volumes,
- the surround part - for the DMX 6Fire and similar cards,
- the configuration part.

When all the parts will be functional, I'll try to work with KMix developers in order to get them use these parts when it detects ice1712 cards.

Stay tuned !

Posted by Valentin 2008-08-12

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