
KeePass for Smart Devices / News: Recent posts

KeePassPPC V0.4.3 released


This is yet another bugfix release. The changes i made for V0.4.2 to get rid of the lockup when pressing the SmartMinimize button were apparently not so great.

Instead of getting a 100% reproduceable lockup as on V0.4.1, we got a timing dependent lockup on V0.4.2 now, but i really hope V0.4.3 does the trick now.

You can find the release notes here: read more

Posted by Tobias 2007-03-03

KeePassPPC V0.4.2 released


This is a bugfix release for V0.4.1: A user reported a lockup when pressing the smart minimize button on a device which had another software utility which also hooks into the taskbar installed. A soft-reset was required to end the lockup. This is now hopefully fixed in V0.4.2.

You can find the release notes here: ... read more

Posted by Tobias 2007-02-13

KeePassPPC V0.4.1 released


This is just a minor release, which has a few improvements people have asked for implemented.

As i am quite busy at work at the moment, i don't know when i have time & motivation to work on KeePassPPC in my limited spare-time again. Therefore i decided to just wrap-up the changes done so far and do a small release.

The main new "feature" is, that KeePassPPC will close when you hit the Smart Minimize button in the task bar.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2007-02-01

KeePassPPC V0.4.0 released

Here is a special christmas/holiday present for you. I managed to finish the porting of KeePassPPC to Visual Studio 2005 SP1 and have chosen to give you a nice gift instead of working through pending feature requests and delaying the update any longer.

Major difference from a user perspective is: The application should now be device orientation aware and support the landscape screen orientation. It is also compiled with the latest KeePass V1.06 encryption code and supports the new icons which were added in KeePass V1.06.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2006-12-24

Homepage update and KeePassLibC.dll

Hi everybody!

No new release this time, just a little bit backgound information about what's going on:

I added a few screenshots to the project homepage: That is, a preview for KeePassSD and also a few screenshots for KeePassPPC as a comparision.

The KeePassSD screenshots might not look especially stunning for the average user, however it is a big step forward! Having a C# GUI running as managed code under the .Net Compact Framwork 2.0 and accessing an unmanaged MFC C++ DLL is a huge difference from how KeePassPPC works right now. That is: A big monolithic (and messy) MFC C++ application containing everything.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2006-10-07

KeePassPPC V0.3.2 released

As promised here is the KeePassPPC V0.3.2 release, which mainly adds VGA support among a few other minor things.

See the release note for more details:

Feel free to post any questions, comments or suggestions into the forum:

I didn't have any betatesters this time, but I hope that nobody will run into any problems.
The SW was tested on a ripe old iPAQ with PocketPC 2003 and on a Loox 560 with Windows Mobile 5.0.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2006-09-09

Project migration to SourceForge completed

The whole KeePassPPC source has now migrated to SourceForge. You can find a full version history for every file under SubVersion control.

I hope to release KeePassPPC V0.3.2 within the next week.

The skelleton for KeePassSD has still some severe problems in the marshaling for the PInvoke calls into the KeePassLibC.dll. Once that is sorted you will find the Visual Studio 2005 solution here as well. (If somebody has a good example how to marshal byte-packed structs in .NET CF 2.0 SP1, any help is welcome.)... read more

Posted by Tobias 2006-09-04

KeePass for Smart Devices

This SF project will provide a unique access point to all KeePass for PocketPC 2003 (SE) / Windows Mobile 5.0 files, which are hosted at the moment at: and

This version will be named KeePassPPC.
(A SmartPhone port does not seem to be possible at the moment as the application is an eVC++ 4.0 MFC application.)

Furthermore it should host a development branch for a new .NET Compact Framework C# based GUI, that will use a MFC DLL based on the original KeePassLibC source. This version will be called KeePassSD. Apart from a test project not much exists at the moment, so it really depends on sparetime and the community how fast and if KeePassSD will start to life. A VisualStudio 2005 Standard Version will be required for compilation at minimum, so i don't know how many people will be able to contribute.... read more

Posted by Tobias 2006-08-30