
KeePass SD slow to open - any tips ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I used Keepass and KeePass PPC for years. The only problem I had was that while the password was protected when copied in clipboard, the notes were not. One password field is just too limited - e.g. for a typical credit card, I'd need to store the card #, the small number used to verify the transaction, the PIN# for cash advances, for some of them a separate internet password for transaction confirmation, and a username / password for account access. So most of this info goes into Notes.

    Now, the v2 fixes that, but the only version that works with it on PPC, KeePass SD, is extremely slow to open, probably due to .NET - it takes exactly twice the amount of time KeePass 1.x does. And when I need to look up info, I need it in hurry.

    So, is there any way to speed up the load speed ?

  • Tobias

    Tobias - 2010-03-18

    Nothing i can do from a developers point of view.
    The only thing that speeds-up .Net CF startup is: Never close them :-P
    With the autolock feature of KeePassSD that should be doable now.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Not sure you don't already know this, but…is it possible that your key transformations are set a little too high?  I would recommend lowering them (from a Windows copy of KeePass).  I found this issue and had to lower this value significantly.

    mobile processors just can't compete with desktop processors, so keep that in mind.


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