
High DPI Support

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-20

    Thank you for creating this plugin as I find it very useful. I'm using one of the latest development snapshots of Keepass implementing high DPI support and I noticed that your plugin control in the entry window no longer aligns to the controls above it. The control looks fine on one of my computers but not on the other utilizing high DPI. Just thought I'd share.

  • incognito1234

    incognito1234 - 2014-09-04

    Thanks for your post.

    I actually noticed that the display of the control will be different in the future version of KeePass with high DPI.

    As far as I understand, KeePass 2.28 will introduce new API to manage high DPI support. It implies that new version of plugin using this API will not be compatible with new version of KeePass. And I do not want to create a new version which is not compatible with the last stable version of KeePass.

    Consequently, I am waiting the release of the next version to update the plugin.

  • incognito1234

    incognito1234 - 2014-10-11


    For information, last version of plugin includes control autosizing.



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