
s60 Load KDB from file is nonfunctional

  • Ben Johnson

    Ben Johnson - 2009-06-17

    when I select "load KDB from = file" the highlighted selector just jumbs back up to "Last"  Is it possible to load from a file or has this not been implemented for j2me yet? 

    How do people back up the database on the phone?  I am unable to navigate to the KDB that was sent to the phone by the packer.  I've searched the folders on the phone both from within the phone and on my PC. 

    Is it stored on the phone using some other compressed format?


    • Stepan

      Stepan - 2009-06-17

      Load KDB from file work if phone:
      - support JSR75
      - accept request permission (because midlet unsigned)

      Also you may use keepassj2me-packer to integrate KDB files into midlet, install created midlet & open from `midlet`

    • Ben Johnson

      Ben Johnson - 2009-06-17

      I was able to load from midlet but I don't know where the KDB file is now.

      I suppose I need to download and install JSR 75?

      Usually I get a prompt for unsigned files.  Should I configure so it doesn't ask?

    • Ben Johnson

      Ben Johnson - 2009-06-18

      Well,  I guess I don't need to install anything for JSR75.

      Now I can open Database.kdb which I loaded through a midlet.  This does me little to no good, as I cannot find "Database.kdb" searching on the phone.  I presume it's packed with something there.  I can't back it up except for backing up the whole phone using the PC Suite utility and that is stored in some proprietary format that I cannot access from the desktop.

      Bottom line...this worked well on Blackberry, but unfortunately is not useful in J2ME on this symbian/nokia phone.  Open source/free software is awsome when it works and really sucks a lot of wasted time when it doesn't.

      Hope you folks are able to develop it so it works better with j2me.  I'd be happy to donate to it.  This uploading you KDB to a website and downloading it or having to pack it in a midlet is horse pucky...why not just copy the kdb to the memory card and open it....of course the phone doesn't recognize the KDB file to open it.

      • Stepan

        Stepan - 2009-06-18

        See phone specifications, support you phone JSR75 or not.
        If not, уou cannot open file from any java2me midlet. Check for new firmware.

        I think you phone is support, but deny it for unsigned midlet. Other phones ask user. May you change permissions for the midlet or java2me? I dont have nokia phone - unable to check.

        You KDB packed into midlet (jar), use 7zip to unpack it and make sure.
        This way is specially made for phones without support JSR75.

      • Stepan

        Stepan - 2009-06-18

        Some nokia users solved problem with their phones, may be it help you:

    • Ben Johnson

      Ben Johnson - 2009-06-20

      The Nokia website says the Nokia E71x has JSR 75 FileConnection and PIM API.  Is there any way I can test it? 

      I have no trouble unpacking the midlet on the phone. 

      How do I transfer the KDB back to my desktop computer?  Is there a way to open the midlet on the desktop?

      BTW I read through all the posts on the forum id=709880...but no help.

      • Stepan

        Stepan - 2009-06-20

        Use 7-Zip to extract KDB from JAR

    • Ben Johnson

      Ben Johnson - 2009-06-20

      7-Zip works to unpack it...thanks

      I still cannot edit the notes field..which, I think, are supposed to be supported.

      Is there a way to test my phone to see if JSR 75 is supported?


      • Stepan

        Stepan - 2009-06-20

        Editable fields are made while only for copying possibility (to clipboard). (field `Notes` - on a note)
        At this moment KDB does not save.

        About JSR75. You checked specification and phone support it.
        Answer somewhere nearby, you posted in other topic:

        > An internal application error occurred: java.lang.SecurityExecption: Permission =

        Device deny access to file system. On some phones this behavior configurable. Check again manual, search the settings.


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