
#1807 'Save Attached File(s) To...' menu item


English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

Well, let's take a look here: Context Menu --> 'Save Attached File(s) To...'
I think this menu item should be disabled for multiple selected entries (2 or more) when they have no attachments (see how it works with a single entry). Now this feature allows us to save files (even those that do not exist) to needed location. Thus, the result is only an empty directory. Some users may be surprised by such behaviour, especially if they are not sure whether there really are any attachments.

Best regards,


  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-11-09

    I wouldn't call that a bug, but I don't think Save Attachments should ever show up for multiple entries.

    cheers, Paul

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-09

    That's right. Because it may cause some confusion, when several files from different entries have the same name. So, Save Attachments should work only with one entry at a time. I think this is the best solution.

    However, it would be nice if there was a feature that allows to correctly save all the files from different entries, even with the same names.

    Best regards,


    Last edit: Anonymous 2013-11-09
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-11-24

    Is there any news on this issue?

    Best regards,

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2013-12-27

    The current behavior is intended. For performance reasons, KeePass does not scan all selected entries and simply enables the menu item when two or more entries are selected.

    Anyway, improving this (i.e. enabling the menu item only when an attachment really exists, with an acceptable performance) would be a good idea, thus I'm moving this to the open feature requests.

    Best regards,

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2013-12-27

    Ticket moved from /p/keepass/bugs/1190/


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