
#1669 Record custom keystroke sequence


Feature request: Record custom keystroke sequence.

Background: In addition to password management, I use Keepass to pan & zoom in an applications by sending relevant keystrokes sequence that I have input by hand in Keepass 'Edit Auto-Type Item' window.

This allows me to quickly zoom on pre-defined areas of interest depending on the document name shown in the window title.

Implementation proposal:

  1. In Keepass 'Edit Auto-Type Item' window, add a 'Record keystroke sequence' option that will start recording key strokes until the user stops the recording process by clicking on a button. This concept is similar to Excel macro recording function.

  2. After stopping the recording process, the user should still be able to modify the sequence by hand in order to add delays or other actions that can't be recorded by the 'Record keystroke sequence' option.

I will try to develop a plugin for this feature but I cannot promise by when :-)

Is that a reasonnable request or should I drop Keepass and focus on other key logger software with good key stroke sequences management as Keepass has ?




  • Paul

    Paul - 2012-12-10

    I would try out AutoIt and see if it fits the bill. We know that this can be integrated with KeePass - see KeeForm.

    cheers, Paul

  • Klaus Belsner

    Klaus Belsner - 2016-12-06

    I think the idea of a marcro recorder would be very nice, because it could support automatic updating of passwords.

    Example for a recorded workflow for a given URL:
    1. Got to the login window
    2. Login with the current password
    3. Goto password change
    4. Create a new password in Keepass (Duplicate entry and derive from previous.)
    5. Change password
    6. logout
    7. If the change was not successfull, send an e-mail to the Keypass user to do it manually.

    It could be supported further, if someone publishes a simple HTML-sequence for login on websites, which offers an API for password databases like Keepass.

    This would remove a lot of password change workload and enhance security dramatically.

    I'look into AutoIt and try to use is it that way.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-12-06

    That would be fine if every site used the same password change mechanism, but I can't see that happening.

    How do you propose sending the user an email? Are you planning using the local mail, if so which client will you support?

    cheers, Paul


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