
#1633 Options for Quick Search to Prioritise Name of Entry


I have a database, that has one entry named "GMail" and also has about a dozen entries that have the word "GMail" in the Notes field (but none of these are named GMail). Using the Quick Search field, if I use GMail as the search term, KeePass finds all these entries, and inevitably, the entry named GMail - which is the one I want - is at the bottom of the list (there are a number of searches I do regularly where this happens, it isn't just with the term GMail).

It would be nice to have an option to tell the Quick Search field to prioritise entries with the search term in the name. In this case, I would enable the option (disabled by default upon a new installation is fine with me), and KeePass would highlight the entry named GMail when I used that search term (I also have the 'Focus Entry List after a Successful Search' option enabled').


  • Douglas M. Gross

    Please consider this feature request.
    I have a similar problem, and I thought there was a setting to disable searching certain parts of entries - apparently this does not apply to quick search.

    The prioritization of Entry Names in quick search results would be an excellent solution for me.

    It would not limit what gets searched, but would almost certainly present what users want at the top of the search results.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2019-09-11

    You can use Find (Ctrl+F) to search in a particular field, e.g., the Title field.

    You can also sort Quick Search results using the column headers. For this you would probably want to set Grouping in Entry List to OFF in View>Grouping in Entry List.


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