
#1332 Re-generate password button


Artifact ID: 2917974
Requests a new feature to be able to re-generate a password (Like you can do in KeePass 1.x).
In 2.0 You have to leave the dialog and re-enter the dialog to generate a new password if you do not like the one supplied.

What I normally used to do in Keepass 1.x is re-generate until I was happy with the "bit-strength" of the password and then accept that password (without revealing the password to the screen and to potential screen capture programs).

Now it is frustrating to do. The Generate password list feature is also not quite what I want to do this as I have already filled in 90% of the fields for the entry before I generate the password.

Please assist as being able to regenerate a password over and over again is a handy feature.

Thanks and keep up the good work!!!


  • Rick313

    Rick313 - 2023-02-22

    Yes, yes, yes!! I would love to see this implemented in KeePass 2. I had not tried KeePass 1 until now, but I just tried the portable version and very much prefer it's password generation dialog over the KeePass 2 version. I recently switched to KeePass 2 from Bitwarden after leaving Lastpass, and both of them had password generation dialogs similar to KeePass 1. I have really missed the in dialog password preview and generate button, so it would be awesome if KeePass 2 could be modified to incorporate those features. Thank you.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-02-22

    The PasswordChangeAssistant plug-in does what you want.
    See this thread for other ideas.

    cheers, Paul

  • Rick313

    Rick313 - 2023-02-22

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see how any of that addresses the proposed enhancement.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-02-22

    The plug-in allows you to regenerate the password until you are happy / it is accepted by the remote system, without having to commit the new password to the KeePass entry each time.

    cheers, Paul

  • Rick313

    Rick313 - 2023-02-23

    The point of the feature request is to have the ability to generate a new password by clicking a single button as you could in KeePass 1. As far as I can tell, PasswordChangeAssistant does not include that feature. There is a button to open the password generator dialog, but that is no different than the open password generator button next to the Repeat field. Having to open and close the password generator dialog to generate a new value in inconvenient and a step backward from what was available in KeePass 1 where the generated password and generate button where both integrated into the generate random password dialog.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-02-23

    Because the password generation mechanism is completely different in V2 it is hard to add the single button option.
    Maybe you could reconsider why you think you need to preview the password?

    cheers, Paul

  • Rick313

    Rick313 - 2023-02-23

    Mainly because there is no way to guarantee that the generated value contains a character from each of the groups selected and because I prefer for passwords to begin with a character since some sites do not like passwords that begin with numbers or special characters. All other modern password generators that I have seen include a password preview feature, so not being able to do that in KeePass 2 makes it less user friendly and an impediment to mass adoption. The user can utilize the preview tab, but that is another inconvenience. It is much more straight forward and user friendly to generate one password per click of a button as could be done in KeePass 1.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2023-02-23

    It is possible to guarantee the password contains the required characters if you use a password pattern.
    PasswordChangeAssistant has this option built-in.

    cheers, Paul

  • Rick313

    Rick313 - 2023-02-23

    Maybe if you're a rocket scientist. I could not make heads or tails of the pattern instructions but gave it a couple tries, and it said the pattern was invalid. The bottom line is that generating a password should be simple and should not require installing additional plugins. While I like many things about KeePass 2, the password generator will never be one of them.


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