
#1139 Hidden Password Group/Subgroups Capability


It would wonderful to add a Hidden Password Group Capability where the user can hide/unhide some of the available password groups/Subgroups by providing a password (View->Unhide Password Groups)

At creation of the Password Group/Subgroup a checkbox can be added to the "Add Group" dialog with the label "Hidden" if checked the group/subgroup won't show unless the appropriate password provided (Maybe the Master Password can be used in this case).



  • Paul

    Paul - 2008-11-26

    How would you know there are hidden groups?
    Are you allowed to search hidden groups?
    Using the master password is not possible, unless you want to decrease security by keeping a copy of this password in the database.
    You could just use a separate database.

    cheers, Paul

  • Yahya

    Yahya - 2008-11-26

    Q1:"How would you know there are hidden groups?"

    A1: The owner of the DB would know if he made a Hidden group or not wouldn't he?

    Q2:"Are you allowed to search hidden groups?"

    A2: If the user set the option to show Hidden groups, why Not it should act as ordinary groups

    Q3:""Using the master password is not possible, unless you want to decrease
    security by keeping a copy of this password in the database."

    A3: Fine, let the user set a new password for the Hidden groups. Or he can enable "Hidden Groups" in the Option ->restart KP->Re-Authenticate himself in order to be able to see the Hidden Groups (Like the "Disable Unsafe Operations" in the option).

    Regards, Yahya


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