
KeepPass slow on USB stick to show KeepPass.exe icon and the login window

  • crl

    crl - 2015-03-04


    Operating System Win 8.1 64bit
    Portable version 2.27 and 2.28

    KeePass is super fast if I copy its folder on the PC desktop.

    However on USB stick it is extremely slow to
    - show the KeepPass.exe icon so that I can click on it to launch the application (also 60 s)
    - show the login window (20 to 100 s, depending on the USB stick)
    What can I do?


  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-03-05

    KeePass reads its code from the USB device and a slow device will make KeePass slow.
    It is possible your anti-virus gets in the way, try disabling it temporarily.
    Do you have a USB hard disk to test? These are often faster than USB flash drives.

    cheers, Paul

  • crl

    crl - 2015-03-07

    Hi Paul, you are right, this is just related to the USB device. KeePass is really faster on a USB hard disk. We can consider this post answered and closed. Thanks.


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