
Unable to move items

  • LittleHase

    LittleHase - 2014-07-09

    I installed keepass 2.27. Now i noticed that moving items a row up or down or to the top or bottom of the group is not possible. Any solution here?

    Kind regards

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-07-09

    Works for me if you turn off Sort. Can't work if KeePass is sorting the entries.

    cheers, Paul

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2014-07-09

    In case you missed it, auto-sorting is indicated by a little triangle in one of the column headers, and turned on or off by left-clicking on the column header. It's a three-way toggle (a-z, z-a, unsorted), so you may have to click twice to turn it off. The items in the "Rearrange" right-click submenu all get grayed out when auto-sorting is on.

    Perhaps the "Rearrange" item itself should get grayed out and/or have its wording changed to better indicate when and why it's unavailable, but that's not how it currently works.


    Last edit: T. Bug Reporter 2014-07-09
    • Raphaël GALLARDO

      There is 3 different states for sorting in KeePass 2, I didn't understood it at first.

      One click on a column will trigger ascending order (See Capture.PNG), two clicks will trigger descending order (See Capture2.PNG), and three clicks will turn sorting off (See Capture3.PNG - No triangle shown). Once it's off you can manually sort again.


      Last edit: Raphaël GALLARDO 2018-01-22
      • Raphaël GALLARDO

        There are also sorting options on the left side, but it's for folders and not entries, they can also be manually moved pressing "alt" + arrow up/down or using recursive auto sorting which will sort them alphabetically.


        Last edit: Raphaël GALLARDO 2018-01-22

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