
Is it possible to synchronise only a subset of passwords between databases?

  • John

    John - 2012-12-02

    I would like to maintain "two databases"

    DB1 - all passwords, on PC1
    DB2 - only has less sensitive passwords, on PC2

    Is there a way to do this such that I can add a less sensitive password to DB1 or DB2, and then synchronise DB1 and DB2 together? I seem to recall reading this is not possible.

    If not, is there a "way of working" which gives the same result? For example, I do not think I can merely delete sensitive passwords from DB2 because when I later synchronise, it will delete them from DB1.

    Any thoughts will be gratefully appreciated.


    Last edit: John 2012-12-02
  • John

    John - 2012-12-02

    I think careful reading of the forum has solved it ...

    1 Create "DB1 - Secure", and "DB2 - Other". Put both on PC1, and only "DB2 - Other" on PC2
    2 Install KeyAutoExec plugin and configure it to open both databases on PC1
    3 Maintain "DB1 - Secure" on PC1
    4 Sync "DB2 - Other" between PC1 and PC2.

    KeyAutoExec means that ctrl/alt/A opens and searches both databases on PC1, and finds the AutoType match for the active window from whichever database it is in.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2012-12-02

    Easy when you know how. ;-))

    cheers, Paul

  • John

    John - 2012-12-08

    Unfortunately, while KeyAutoExec works fine to open multiple databases, it doesn't allow me to do what I really want.

    I always lock KeePass after 120 seconds to maximise security, and use AutoType to fill the User and password fierlds on a web page. The downside is that I need to enter my master password every time; the upside is that I can leave my PC without worrying "Is the password file still open?".

    I therefore need KeePass always to offer me DB1 when I use AutoKey. Unfortunately, there does not seem to be any way to force KeePass always to open a specified database when AutoKey is activated - see


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