
Need AutoType for this website.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    My sequence is {tab}{username}{tab}{password}{tab}{tab}{enter}

    For some reason that's not working out. Can anyone help plz?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I didn't visit the given link. (I beling to the persons, who do NOT click, wherever it s possible.)

      But having a look at teh sequence, I wonder, what the first {tab} ist good for? Normally you set the cursor into the first field (mostly the username-field). So, if this side does not have any specialty, the sequence as given cannot work. Leave the leading {tab}.

      Another pont: Use CAPITAL letters for the sequence.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I tried many combinations and they don't work for some reason. When put the cursor in the pass field, AutoType will skip my user name and put my password in the user name field. Sometimes, it will insert the last half end of my user name. I tried using the delay but that didn't work either.

        I think the website is differently coded. ?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      What browser / version do you use?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I use Maxthon latest version. Only site I have this problem.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Welcome in the club.
      Maxthon (otherwise a fine browser, I use it myself) has this problem, that has been reported here several times. No one knows the reason.

      If you use IE, you will find, that things work as they should.

      For using Max, you have to define an Auto-Type-sequence, where you place
      {DELAY 2000}
      in front. (Play with the number.)

      There have been several requests here, to make it possible in KP to change the default auto-type sequence; at the moment you have to define the auto-type sequence for every database-entry, even if the sequence is the standard-sequence.

      HI DOMINIK, can this be done in the next version?

      Following my experience, you can also open the KP-Database with ctrl-alt-k before logging in, in this case ctrl-alt-a works fine with Max, as long, as the KP-database is open.


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