
KeePass doesn't provide entire password on one site.

  • Cornell Sternbergh

    I'd wanted to send an email to each, KeePass and the site in
    question, but the site doesn't offer an email address, just an email
    form. And, it seems, I can't send an email to KeePass either, just the


    Some time ago, I noticed that I could no longer
    logon (this particular site) with keepass' auto-type. The password field
    would only accept some of the password. My password had had a special
    character, so I changed it.

    But it still didn't accept the entire
    password. I have to open keepass, find their entry manually, copy/paste
    the password.

    Theirs is the only site with which I have difficulty with
    keepass. And, previously, I'd had no problem.

    I note that I also have
    this problem when using keepassx, so I expect it's a problem with their
    site, but maybe there's something in Keepass.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2015-04-12

    Some things to try:

    • Make sure that the cursor is in first field that you want typing to begin before initiating the auto-type sequence.
    • Verify that one and only one tab is required to advance from the username field to the password field. If not adjust the auto-type keystroke sequence accordingly.
    • If you are using KeePass 2.x make sure that TCATO (Two-channel Auto-Type Obfuscation) is turned off for the entry.
    • If characters are still dropping add a {DELAY 200} placeholder to the auto-type keystroke sequence immediately prior to the {PASSWORD} placeholder. Increase the delay if needed.
    • If characters are still dropping try slowing down the overall typing speed by adding {DELAY=200} placeholder to the beginning of the auto-type keystroke sequence. A 200 millisecond delay will slow typing to 60 wpm. Note: {DELAY 200} and {DELAY=200} have different effects (see the documentation cited previously).

    Last edit: wellread1 2015-04-12
  • Paul

    Paul - 2015-04-13

    Do you have the URL for the problematic site? We can test it for you.

    cheers, Paul

    p.s. The forum is the correct place for help, not via email.


    Last edit: Paul 2015-04-13

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