
new install help

Lori Himes
  • Lori Himes

    Lori Himes - 2014-08-08

    With the new cyber hack, I thought it be best to change all my passwords. I have not had keypass installed on this pc before but I have used keypass in the past. I installed keepass on my new windows 8 pc. I changed all my passwords and while I was creating all the files I noticed my old ones in the back up file. I sorted them and updated them all. I locked the account, not knowing I should just log off. I cannot get back in with the password I created today for keepass.
    1. How did it know it was me?
    2. How do I open the account. I searched windows and see many files created today but I also see some from 48/15/2008 and 11/10/2013 when I thought I deleted everything when my cell phone was stolen. Any suggestions?

  • Lori Himes

    Lori Himes - 2014-08-08

    I see the pwsafe.key on my d drive but the master password I thought created today does not work I get an error message if i use a master password with or without the key file.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-08-08

    Have you tried the old KeePass password?
    Are you sure you have ticked / un-ticked the required boxes in the Master Password dialogue, including Windows User Account?
    Have you tried the old password on a backup database?

    cheers, Paul


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