
Crappy fonts - Keepass/Mono/OpenBSD

Jiri B.
  • Jiri B.

    Jiri B. - 2010-10-27


    I have crappy fonts in Keepass 2.13, mono 2.8, OpenBSD 4.8 -current. I have tried a couple of other mono applications and they have no issues with fonts at all.

    Screenshot -

    Any idea?


  • cygeus

    cygeus - 2011-02-17

    Exactly the same problem on gentoo linux. I tried running KeePass 2.14 with mono 2.6.7 and 2.8.2. How can I debug this?

    @jiribb: Have you solved the problem?

    thanks in advance

  • Paul

    Paul - 2011-02-18

    Tools > Options > Interface > Force using system font?

    cheers, Paul

  • cygeus

    cygeus - 2011-02-20

    I wish I could do that, but my options window looks like this

  • Paul

    Paul - 2011-02-20

    Check KeePass.config.xml for this line.

    cheers, Paul

  • cygeus

    cygeus - 2011-02-21

    thanks for the fast reply
    ForceSystemFontUnix was already set to true in the configuration file. I tried setting it to false, but it didn't change anything. It looks to me that this is more than a font problem, because all windows look like the options window I posted above. There are no drop-down boxes, check boxes, tabs, nothing. Just a gray background.

  • cygeus

    cygeus - 2011-02-28

    In Gentoo, Mono is not split up in so many packages as is the case with Ubuntu. There is only one Mono package, and a few additional packages for things like Cairo, SQLite, Firebird. So, I'm pretty sure I have the necessary Mono packages.
    However, another problem arose: I can't start KeePass anymore. Every time I get an error message:

    #X11 Error encountered:
    #  Error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
    #  Request:     53 (0)
    #  Resource ID: 0x1A0002F
    #  Serial:      1346
    #  Hwnd:        Hwnd, Mapped:True ClientWindow:0x1A0002F, WholeWindow:0x1A0002E, Zombie=False, Parent:
    #  Control:     System.Windows.Forms.ListView+ItemControl   at System.Environment.get_StackTrace()
    #   at System.Windows.Forms.XplatUIX11.HandleError(IntPtr display, XErrorEvent ByRef error_event)
    #   at System.Drawing.GDIPlus.GdipCreateFromXDrawable_linux(IntPtr , IntPtr , IntPtr ByRef )
    #   at System.Drawing.Graphics.FromXDrawable(IntPtr drawable, IntPtr display)
    #   at System.Drawing.Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr hwnd)

    full error message:

    Tried removing the config file, restarting X, rebooting, but nothing helps. I'm using
    xorg-server 1.9.4
    xf86-video-intel 2.14.0

  • Paul

    Paul - 2011-03-06

    If mono uses a cache directory, try clearing it.

    cheers, Paul

  • cygeus

    cygeus - 2011-08-11

    Great news, I finally found the solution for the font problem: in Gentoo you have to compile dev-dotnet/libgdiplus with the cairo USE flag.
    The problem I described in post 8 disappeared suddenly.

    Thanks for all the help Paul, I'm glad I can use KeePass in Linux now :-)


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