
Sort entries in Auto-Type popup window

  • Aldabert

    Aldabert - 2014-11-14


    I just switched from Keepass 1.x to 2.x but I encounter an issue with the auto-type feature.

    I have a lot of entries related to a same target window and I use the auto-type functionnality to log in. But now (in the 2.x versions), the entries are sort in their order of creation, not according to their name, which is quite confusing.

    I did not find a way to change this sort in this popup window. Is it something missing in Keepass 2.x od did I miss something in the options ?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Horst

    Horst - 2014-11-14

    You can move the entries In the Auto-type definitons up and down.
    The postion defines the order of displaying.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-11-14

    The order of Auto-Type key stroke sequences displayed in the Auto-Type Entry selection dialog is determined by the unsorted order of entries in the database. To change this order for a set of entries displayed in an Auto-Type Entry selection dialog:

    If the Auto-Type key stroke sequences to be reordered are in different entries:

    1. Make a note of the entries in an Auto-Type Entry Selection that you need to reorder
    2. In the Main KeePass view pane, show the entries in unsorted mode by:
      • Click on the Title header until no up or down triangle is shown in the Title header or any other header (e.g. 1-3 times). OR
      • From the KeePass menu Select 'View>Sort by>No Sort'
    3. Rearrange the entries you noted in step one, so that their order relative to each other reflects the order that you want them to appear in the Auto-Type Entry. Right click on an entry to be sorted, and select Rearrange from the context menu to move it (or use the hot keys shown on the Rearrange sub-menu).

    If the Auto-type key stroke sequences to be reordered are in the same entry:

    1. If you are not using KeePass 2.28 upgrade to it.
    2. Edit an entry containing the key stroke sequences to be reordered.
    3. Select the Auto-Type tab.
    4. Reorder the key stroke sequences shown in the custom sequences window using the up and down buttons located to the right of the window.
  • Oliver Kötter

    Oliver Kötter - 2014-12-01

    I have a similar problem.
    I have a single entry with two auto-type sequences:

    1. Standard login sequence with "Override default sequence"
    2. Change password sequence below under "Use custom sequences for specific windows"

    Whenever I press Ctrl-Alt-A I am prompted to select which one of the two I want. In most cases I want the first one - the login sequence. But this is the second entry so I always have to press cursor down.

    How do I change this order?

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-12-01

    You have a couple of options:

    • Convert the default login sequence to a custom keystroke sequence and reorder the custom sequences to the desired order. Then disable the entry's default sequence by changing the entry's title to a descriptive title that no longer matches the Window Title.


    • Modify the keystroke sequence of the standard login sequence so that it corresponds to the keystroke sequence that you wish to appear last in the 'Auto-Type Entry Selection' dialog.

    Remarks: If you haven't already, upgrade to KeePass 2.28. It includes a feature to reorder custom sequences easily.

    • Oliver Kötter

      Oliver Kötter - 2014-12-02

      I don't think that changing the default login sequence for one entry is the way to go. What if I need another sequence for another entry? I have >200 entries.
      I already am on 2.28, but I only have ONE custom sequence, so no help here.
      I just want the overridden default sequence be above the custom sequences. I could add another custom sequence but then I have three entries as I cannot disable the default sequence.

    • Oliver Kötter

      Oliver Kötter - 2014-12-02

      I am not sure if I understand what you mean. Can you elaborate?
      Attached is a screenshot of my setup, two entries, wrong order if I press Ctrl-Alt-A.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-12-01

    You could try the WebAutoType plug-in as that allows you to optionally specify a URL to match.

    cheers, Paul

    • Oliver Kötter

      Oliver Kötter - 2014-12-02

      Yeah, I already use it, but is of no help here as it is not a browser window but my sap client software :-)

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-12-02

    The first suggestion requires two steps.

    1. Disable the entry's default sequence by changing the entry's title to a descriptive title that no longer matches the Window Title

    2. Convert the default login sequence to a custom keystroke sequence and reorder the custom sequences to the desired order.

    Attached are screen shots depicting step 1 and step 2.

    • Oliver Kötter

      Oliver Kötter - 2014-12-03

      Ahhh.... now I got it! Works fine, thanks a lot for your efforts with the screenshots!

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-12-02

    RE: your comments about the second suggestion.

    I don't think that changing the default login sequence for one entry is the way to go. What if I need another sequence for another entry? I have >200 entries.

    Changing the default auto-type for one entry by using the 'Override default sequence' affects only one entry.

    I just want the overridden default sequence be above the custom sequences.

    The default auto-type will always appear last. The order can't be changed.

    However, if you change the entry's default keystroke sequence (using 'Override default sequence') to the keystroke sequence that you wish to appear last, you will achieve your desired result.


    Last edit: wellread1 2014-12-02
  • John-Pierre Cornelissen

    Hi, I know this is a very old threat and am surprised this is still an issue.

    @wellread1 gave a workaround here, but it's a challenge to manually order everything if you have many entries.

    Why not simply add an option to click on the column headers just like in the main window?


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