
Move to GitHub

  • Jordan

    Jordan - 2015-10-12

    Why is this project still on Sourceforge? The biggeset benefit I see is the ability to easily view commit history and code structure directly on the web page. So much easier to navigate than however SourceForge does it.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2015-10-12
  • Jordan

    Jordan - 2015-10-12

    I've read the developer's preference, however, having the ability to easily watch commits as they happen is a handy feature. I've submitted little patches to a few projects just by noticing hiccups as I use the program. I can't contribute back in a casual manner with code that's behind a wall.

    Sometimes it's obvious code cleanup that someone just hadn't got around to yet but are greatful for the little reorganization. Besides, it isn't like they have to accept a pull request.

    Like, literally, I've just done a drive-by code cleanup on a file and said "hey, you want this?" "Sure, that's easier on the eyes." SF was nice 20 years ago but cumbersome nowadays.

    I guess I can follow github forks of this code but then it doesn't make it easy to discern reasons for code changes. Just makes for less headaches all around if someone does want to contribute suggestions.


    Last edit: Jordan 2015-10-12
  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2015-10-12

    I can't contribute back in a casual manner with code that's behind a wall.... Just makes for less headaches all around if someone does want to contribute suggestions.

    The developer's code contribution policy is casual differently.

    Feature requests can be made at Bug reports can be made at Patches can be submitted at

    I am sure the developer is aware of the pros and cons of the various code repositories and help forums and has made a choice that suits. If another service offers advantages unavailable on Sourceforge that the developer values sufficiently, then the project might move. However, the choice of repository and help forum remains a developer prerogative.


    Last edit: wellread1 2015-10-12
  • PassionateUser

    PassionateUser - 2016-11-07

    +1 for moving to Github since it’s faster, looks better and easier on eyes.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2021-12-27

    Opening tickets will not convince Dominik to move to GitHub. His reasons in the post referenced above, are clear.

    If you want a code repository, see this thread.

    cheers, Paul


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