
HELP - database/config file wiped?

  • laserb3am

    laserb3am - 2013-01-03

    I'll do my best to explain what happened here but please bear with me as I am not formally educated in computer science/systems/networking/etc. :S

    I had the latest version of KeePass installed on a local machine here at work. Then, I decided to move it over to one of my shared network folders set up through AD for me specifically. I copied the files over to the network folder but KeePass could not locate the database. A quick look into the config file made it clear that it was still looking in the original local location for the database, so I changed the config file from, for example "<Path>....\Documents\NewDatabase.kdbx</Path>" to "<Path>Z:\user\NewDatabase.kdbx</Path>" or whatever it ended up being. After doing that, KeePass ran perfectly fine. I placed a shortcut to the KeePass.exe file on the file server on my local desktop so I could run KeePass without navigating to the folder each time.

    Today, I was on the train to work and had to access the passwords, so I connected to the internet and VPN as I always do while on the road. After successful connection (verified by my remote desktop sessions into our servers), I tried to run the shortcut to KeePass.exe but it froze up and failed. I then tried to run it from the network folder location but that also froze up and failed. Both times it did not pop up any window for either a database or a password prompt.

    When I got into the office I connected to our local network as normal. Later on when I tried to access KeePass, it asked me if I wanted to let it search for updates. I clicked "yes" and it apparently searched for an update, but I don't think it updated (at least, it didn't appear that it did). Then when I tried to access KeePass again, it opened up a blank database with no password prompt. I checked the config file and it appears that it has changed, because there is no longer a <Path></Path> located anywhere in the file.

    Any idea of how I can start to hopefully recover the 150 passwords I have stored in my KeePass database? Please! :)

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-01-03

    The database is just a normal file, possibly called database.kdb(x). You need to find that file, then use File > Open in KeePass to browse to the file.

    cheers, Paul

    p.s. you should always have at least 1 backup of your database file.

  • develop1

    develop1 - 2013-01-03

    you .kdbx file is likely fine and totally intact.

    First thing I would do is make sure a .kdbx file extension is assoicated with the keepass executeable. The easiest way to do this is to launch keepass (you dont need to actually open a data file)
    then "tools" "options" "intergration" "create assocation".

    With the above done. Exit keepass.
    use windows explorer and go find your .kdbx file out on the network.
    The date of the file and its size should make it obvious if you have the "correct" file (or not).
    Once you find the file Double click it. Keepas should open this .kdbx as you expect with the password you know.

    Once you have success opening your .kdbx file the next step is to create a short cut directly to this sepcific file (versus a short cut to launch keepass in general).

    The easiest way to do that is to size/arrange things so both windows explorer and a portion of your desktop are visable. Simply RIGHT click the .kdbx file and drag to desktop and release. choose "create shortcut".

    From now on when you want to launch keepass you would double click this shortcut which is now pointing directly to the desired .kdbx

    The advantage of the above method is the config file never comes into play we open up the desired .kdbx file each and every time becaue we are running it directly versus getting to it from entries in the config file.

    If you need to use keepass every day I would copy this shortcut into the "startup" folder so when you start your pc, this specific .kdbx file is always opened/launched.

  • laserb3am

    laserb3am - 2013-01-03

    Thanks very much to the both of you!


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