
Recently used DB and KeeFox

  • Slarti Bartfast

    Slarti Bartfast - 2014-08-21


    I've got a problem:
    Whenever I open or unlock my main database, I have a trigger running that syncs the database with the backup copy on my stick - if this stick is available.
    Now this sync makes the db on the stick my "most recently used" one. Now next time I start Firefox, KeeFox will try to open the backup copy instead of the original. If the stick is there, I end up with two open dbs (the original still being locked); if it is not there - too bad.

    Is there any way I can force KeePass to have the MRU database set to the open one, not the one I synced with?

    Thanx a lot for your help!

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-08-21

    How are you running KeePass / trigger such that the USB stick becomes the default database?

    cheers, Paul

  • Slarti Bartfast

    Slarti Bartfast - 2014-08-22

    I attached a screenshot (I: is the stick, there's no condition in that trigger, and the event is "Saved database file")
    I can only assume that the synchronize pushes the file that the db is being synchronized with to the top of the list.

    I found a workaround: I added a "Save active database" after the synchronize. But we're talking about a file on a server here that is already downloaded and saved during the synchronize action, so saving again adds another 50% to the total time.

  • Slarti Bartfast

    Slarti Bartfast - 2014-08-22

    OK, forget the workaround, didn't work after all. Must have been a coincidence, first time I tried...

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-08-22
    • If, after performing the USB backup, you want to activate the original database if open, or be prompted to open/unlock it if it is not, then add the 'Open database file' action to your USB backup trigger.
    • If, after performing the USB backup, you just want want to activate the original database if open, then add the 'Activate database (select tab)' action to your USB backup trigger.
  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-08-22

    I sync to a remote drive and don't end up with the remote database as the default. Can you try a manual sync, then a trigger sync?

    cheers, Paul

  • Luckyrat

    Luckyrat - 2014-09-29

    If you always want the same database to be opened by KeeFox, you can set that in KeeFox Options / Advanced


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