
Drag n Drop and Opera Browser

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    When I try to use the drag n drop feature it won't let me. However, it works in Firefox. How can I make it work in Opera?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Unfortunately, it probably still can't be done. Have version 8.54 but suspect the newer version 9 does not support drag and drop.

      It depends mostly on the program.
      For example, Notepad does not support drag and drop.
      But Wordpad does.
      IE6 does not accept a url drag and drop from KeePass, but Firefox does.
      Even in KeePass you can not drag and drop a password from the password generator.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      How safe is drag n drop? What happens to the data that is copied and pasted?

      But I know it's not quite a standard copy and paste.

    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-09-06

      Drag 'n Drop is only as safe as your machine. KeeForm will do it safely no matter the environment, but even here you must exercise caution.

      cheers, Paul


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