
Transport the KeePass Database

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  • francoisch

    francoisch - 2006-05-22


    I installed KeePass on a PC and want now to carry the base over to another PC of mine.

    I copied the base between PC's but banged on the second PC into an error message about a wrong password, which was not wrong actually.

    How to do this transport operation? Via Export + Import (safe?)?

    Thank you in advance for your help.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-05-22

      You just copy the database file and it always works. Is the copy corrupt?

      cheers, Paul

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      hello Paul

      Thank you for your answer first.

      One more question: knowing that the database is on the D disk on the first PC, does it matter that the copied database would be on the C disk on the other PC?

      Thank you for your help


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It shouldn't matter.  Run Keepass, navigate to the location of the database you want to use, select it, and enter your password.  It should open just fine unless it has become corrupted.  Recopy and try again.

    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-05-23

      KeePass databases do not store location information, just the data you enter.

      cheers, Paul

    • francoisch

      francoisch - 2006-05-28


      It still does not work on the target PC.

      I get this message: File access error, failed to open file in read mode.

      The error code is 0x0000000F

      Thank you in advance for your help.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-05-29

      Can you open the file in Notepad, maybe there is an access problem?
      Can you put the database on a USB key and open it on both machines?

      cheers, Paul

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      It still does not work on another target PC, different from the previous one.

      Yes, I can open it with Notepad ; No, I haven’t tried it on an USB Key, which I will do soon.

      I am wondering wether I would do things wrong ; let me spell out what I do :
      - I copy the DB on the target PC
      - I start Keepass, go for File / Open database
      - I input the password and specify the disk letter

      I still get this message: File access error, failed to open file in read mode, with this error code : 0x0000000F

      I will turn to testing with an USB key.

      Thank you in advance for your help

    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-03

      Specifying the disk letter means you are using a keyfile and password. Have you copied the keyfile over as well?

      cheers, Paul

    • francoisch

      francoisch - 2006-06-13


      I kept trying to get KeePass to work on my PC ; here is where I am at the moment.

      On the very same PC :
      - I can open / use my original database, the one I created the data into
      - when I try to open a clone database (either copied or Saved as) on an USB key for example, I get the same error I already had.

      The message says File access error, failed to open file in read mode and the error code is 0x0000000F

      This is the exact same situation I had with transporting the DB on a different PC.

      Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-14

      Cannot open in read mode implies that the file is read-only in Windows. Is it?

      cheers, Paul

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      After cheking the Database.kdb file on my USB key, I can tell that the only bit On is the Archive bit.

      It looks pretty much like the file is not in Read only mode.

      Still, the error message stands, on this key (not on the original file).

      Thank you in advance for your kind help.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-18

      Can you open the file in KeePass by ticking the read only option?

      cheers, Paul

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OK, I too am having problems transferring from PC at work to PC at home. Do I have to transport on a disc? I e-mailed the files to myself, then downloaded them, but they fail to work on the home PC. Work fine on the PC at work. Does e-mailing them corrupt them somehow?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You should probably send us your database along with the master password so that we can work on it for you.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-19

      I email the database all the time and never have a problem. What errors do you get?

      cheers, Paul

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Finally got it to work. This time I manually deleted the files before I downloaded. It works fine now. I suppose it's a security protection feature, in that it won't let you replace an intact file with another.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-20

      No such feature. You must have made the files read only?

      cheers, Paul

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      hi Paul

      Answer to your question (Can you open the file in KeePass by ticking the read only option?) is No.

      I tried with / without the Read bit on with the same result.

      Let me mention that I did do an Export in TXT format.

      Proceeding further, I noticed that the function "File / Import from" is grayed; I looked around for a Plug in with no result.

      Could you help me out with this Txt export file stuff?

      Thank you in advance for your help.


    • Tim Malone

      Tim Malone - 2006-06-21

      Ok, answer the following questions:

      - What authentication methods are you using? (key, password, or both)
      - It works on one computer, but not on the other - have you copied the key over?
      - Does it work when copied over a network, over e-mail, over a USB key? Does it load from the USB key on either computer?

      Most of those questions have already been asked but I haven't seen you answer them.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Tim

      Let me state first that I am a newcomer to KeePass and ready to admit that I do something wrong ; this is the meaning of some of my questions.

      To answer your questions :
      - I either start from the KP program panel (Load database) screen or the database itself (click)
      - - into the identification panel, I keyin the password + specify the disk driver letter

      This is exactly what I did on my initial PC and it worked.

      This is what does not work on :
      - different other PC’s with a copied Database
      - with a USB key on any PC (no mail, no network)

      What do you mean with « have you copied the key over? » ? My understanding is that I keyin the key into the identification panel.

      Thank you for your help.


    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-22

      F, if you specify a drive letter, you must be using a key file with your password. You need to copy the key file to the other computer as well as the database.

      cheers, Paul

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      hi Paul

      From what you say, I am starting to believe that I messed up the basic usage of KeePass.

      I am considering restarting from scratch:
      - deleting my current database
      - using the TXT file I exported from it earlier on,
      could you tell me how to proceed to import it back into a new database? should I load Plug-in?

      Thank you in advance.


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Also, could I get somewhere (I searched with no result) a standalone (outside the Help function) KeePass documentation that I could printout (Word format, ...)?



    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-22

      No need to start from scratch, just change the password in your current database - after you back it up - then use it. File | Change Master Key.

      The help file is the only reference document. If it is not sufficiently helpful, tell us what needs to be changed.

      cheers, Paul

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