
problem with the password after hdd formatting

  • Dimitris Papageorgiou

    the title describes my problem....
    I formatted my HDD(after previously having backed up the kdbx file where the passwords are stored), reinstalled KeePass, went to open the kdbx file using the windows user account method-since that method I used previously and the problem is that I get the usual "composite key invalid".

    What I can do?If it impossibe to open the file with KeePass is there an alternative way to do it?
    I must have my password back

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-12-30

    "Windows User Account" is machine and installation specific. Reformatting and re-installing Windows will result in loss of access to KeePass.
    See the recovery info in the Help pages.

    cheers, Paul

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-12-31

    If you have an image backup you can restore that and you will regain access.

    cheers, Paul

  • Juraj Palco

    Juraj Palco - 2014-01-13

    Hello Paul, I have read many of the discussions, but I still do not find a solution for me. I as many others also used the WUA and I had to format my HDD but my problem started when I upgraded the KeePass 2.24... I have my passwords in files outside of my computer ( Cloud ) where I can reach them and use them f.e. from my PC at work and all my iPhone and iPad devices but somehow I can not reinstall the KeePass on ma home PC and I can not link the SW to the Databese.kdb and the Database.key? Obviously the Windows User Account is the problem! Would a complete PC formating and Winsdows 7 reinstalation help or is there another way ( please do not tell me to install the previous version of the PC / as this is probably not possible any more.) Thank you for any advice or links to discussion where I would find a solution. Juraj

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-01-13

    If you use the database on other devices then you are not using WUA. You should use the same method on your PC as you use on your phone.

    cheers, Paul

  • Juraj Palco

    Juraj Palco - 2014-01-13

    Thank you will try to uninstall the KP form my home PC and install the SW again. I remember installing the SW in work the same way as the one at home and just giving the instalation process link to the Cloud files. When I look at the SW I have in office working it has the WUA ticked also. May it be I have not done the istalation correctly? But on the other hand it still works in office and when I export the new inputs to KP 1.x
    format I can open in iPad and iPhone so still worried why this does not work in Windows PC at home.

    Anyhow thank you.Will come back once I will find a solution

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-01-14

    You have installed the software correctly, but you have misunderstood how WUA works.
    WUA will only ever work on one PC and only if you do not re-install Windows.
    On your work PC change the master password to a password only. Now the database will open on your home PC using the same password.

    You can use the V2 database directly on your phone if you use one of the apps that supports the V2 database and you only use a password, not WUA.

    cheers, Paul


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