
2.26 news - default delay between two keypresses settings is where?

  • Totya

    Totya - 2014-04-14


    I see this very important news in 2.26:

    Auto-Type: added configuration option to specify the default delay between two keypresses.

    OK, but I cant't found this option. Where Can I find this?

    I read this:

    More Options

    Specifies the default delay (in ms) between two keypresses sent by auto-type. The minimum is 1 ms. Note that very small delays may result in target applications not being able to process the keypresses correctly.

    I don't see this options under tools/options/integration.



    Last edit: Totya 2014-04-14
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-04-14

    This option is made available only through the configuration file, not through the user interface (which is sufficient here in my opinion, because the default delay should be fine in all standard cases and lowering it will most likely cause problems, like mentioned in the documentation).

    The configuration file contains only options that differ from their default values. Thus the node Configuration/Integration/AutoTypeInterKeyDelay is not present by default; you have to add it.

    Best regards,

  • Totya

    Totya - 2014-04-14


    Thanks for answer. This settings is working in ini file, but not in options (as you say).

    Yes, the second news in this version:
    Auto-Type: added workaround for applications with broken time-dependent message processing.

    But the problem, in the last version the autotype-speed was broken, therefore I changed many-many entryes / and I create new default sequence with own Delay settings.
    I want change back these entryes to default (inherit default auto-type sequence from group)
    How can I find all entryes which has contain own DELAY settings?



    Last edit: Totya 2014-04-14
  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-04-14

    I've added an example to the documentation that shows how to use the XML Replace feature for this:

    Best regards,

  • Totya

    Totya - 2014-04-14


    I don't see XML Replace functions before, this is very good idea, and this is working, many thanks to you! :)

    "Reset default sequences that contain {DELAY="
    example is very brutal, because this is clear all own sequence,
    {DELAY 100}{DELAY=10}{S:Email}{TAB}{Password}{ENTER}
    {DELAY 100}{DELAY=10}{Password}{ENTER} etc.
    The result is unusable autotype for these entries.

    But solution is simple:
    see: "Change {DELAY= values" example
    (I wrote only changed fields)

    Find what: {DELAY=[\d\s]*}
    Replace with:

    Find what: {DELAY [\d\s]*}
    Replace with:

    Find what: {UserName}{TAB}{Password}{ENTER}
    Replace with:

    This is works, thanks!

    I have only one problem. I see changelog, {CLEARFIELD} is now working (after very long time). This is good news, thanks. I want use this to the all entries.
    I modify the highest level group autotype/override default settings:
    But this is (autmatically) working only with default auto-type or with new (custom) entries.
    If I want add {CLEARFIELD} to the all entries via XML Replace, but this is not success.

    "Prepend {DELAY=50} to all sequences without a {DELAY=" example
    (I wrote only changed fields)
    Select nodes: (//DefaultSequence | //KeystrokeSequence)[not(contains(., '{CLEARFIELD}'))]
    Replace with: {CLEARFIELD}$1

    The result is OK, but many entries autotype is not working. Why.
    If any entry use "custom sequences for specific windows" and this is use "use default keystroke sequence of the entry", then after CLEARFIELD/XML replace, this settings is lost, this changed to "use custom keystroke sequence" and this is only contain this: {CLEARFIELD}. This is mean autotype method is lost.

    I think this:
    Select nodes: (//DefaultSequence | //KeystrokeSequence)[not(contains(., '{CLEARFIELD}'))]

    need to modify, search {CLEARFIELD} string but only if:

    • override default settings used
    • custom keystroke sequence used (!) (or not empty)

    You have any idea for solve this problem? I'm sorry for this new (offtopic) question.

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2014-04-15

    Good point, thanks! I've updated the example 'Prepend {DELAY=50} to all sequences without a {DELAY=' to show how to prevent the issue you mentioned:

    Best regards,

  • Totya

    Totya - 2014-04-15


    This is working, many thanks to you! :)


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