
Can WOW scan my passwords?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I use Keepass to login into my WOW account. Now the eula says that Wow is scanning the RAM and the processes running to see if there's cheattools on.

    Can WOW scan also my passwords this way?

    • Paul

      Paul - 2006-06-03

      If the passwords are hidden behind asterisks, then no. If they are visible, then yes.
      I don't think WoW will be looking for passwords, just programs that hook inot WoW to allow cheating.

      cheers, Paul

      • Dan Horning

        Dan Horning - 2006-06-04

        first off - if you're concerned about this i would check with an in game GM. pose the question to one of them - you'll either get an in game tell with the answer or you'll get a game email from them with the info. let us know what they say

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          I was hoping to find the answer here....

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Here's the answer I got from Blizzard:


      vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail und Ihr damit verbundenes Interesse an World
      of Warcraft.
      Blizzard ist bereits in der Vergangenheit energisch gegen das Cheaten in
      unseren Spielen vorgegangen. Diese Maßnahme, auf die in unseren
      Nutzungsbedingungen eindeutig hingewiesen wird, ist ein Beispiel für
      unsere Bemühungen, ehrliche Spieler und die Integrität des Spiels vor
      Individuen zu schützen, die meinen, sich durch Hacks einen unfairen
      Vorteil verschaffen zu müssen. Wie in den Nutzungsbedingungen
      ausgewiesen, werden die erlangten Informationen einzig und allein zur
      Identifizierung von World of Warcraft Cheats genutzt. Bitte beachten
      Sie, dass wir diese Informationen an niemanden außerhalb von Blizzard

      They didn't even answer my question....

      And I got this link:

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I used google's translate on the email:

      Hello,      thank you for your E-Mail and your associated interest in World OF Warcraft.   Blizzard already proceeded in the past energetically against the Cheaten in our plays. This measure, on in ours   Use conditions, is an example of our efforts is clearly referred to to protect honest players and the integrity of the play against individuals means, to have to provide by Hacks an unfair advantage. As in the use conditions   proven, the attained information is used simply for the identification by World OF Warcraft Cheats. Please you note that we pass these information on to nobody outside from Blizzard.


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