
Iphone Keepass

  • Curious

    Curious - 2016-01-16

    I have been using an Android app which doesn't ask for network access.

    I will be buying an iphone and was reading that all iphone apps get network access by default. In that case, how does everyone get comfortable with the app's ability to technically send data out when the database is opened? I am not saying that the iphone apps are doing this. However it would be far more secure to have a password app which didn't have access to the network.

    It would be helpful to hear which iphone apps you use and how you think about the security of the app and the way iphone system allows network access by default.


  • Paul

    Paul - 2016-01-16

    Have a look at our "KeePass with Mac" thread for some information.

    cheers, Paul

  • Curious

    Curious - 2016-01-18

    Already looked at that link but it doesn't answer my original question:

    In iphone, all apps have network access by default unlike Android. There are Android keepass apps which don't ask for network access.

    So how do iphone and ipad users get comfortable with using keepass apps which TECHNICALLY have the ability to send out their decrypted credentials to a third party server. I am sure other people must have thought through this but I am trying to understand the issue and the solution.


  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2016-01-19

    I will be buying an iphone and was reading that all iphone apps get network access by default....So how do iphone and ipad users get comfortable with using keepass apps which TECHNICALLY have the ability to send out their decrypted credentials to a third party server.

    As far as KeePass (the Windows program) is concerned it doesn't send anything out anywhere unless the user has authorized it, even if the computer is connected to the internet. However, KeePass doesn't run on the iphone or ipad.

    Other apps (e.g. MiniKeePass), by other developers, do run on the iphone and ipad. They can create, read and write to the KeePass file format, but other than that capability, they are unrelated to KeePass. I imagine iphone and ipad app developers can choose to design their apps to behave similarly to KeePass if they wish. You should contact the approiate app developer with your concern.


    Last edit: wellread1 2016-01-19

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