
Update to 2.27 Portable doesn't fully update

  • diego gonzales

    diego gonzales - 2014-07-21

    I am/was using KeyPass 2.26 on a USB stick. It told me there is a new version (2.27). I downloaded the new Portable version and unpacked the files to the USB key (telling them to Overwrite each time). Now if I fire up the file KeePass.exe on the USB stick it tells me I am running V2.27. However, if I start by double-clicking on one of my KeePass files (the way I have been using KeePass to date) it asks for the password and opens the file but then tells me that I am using V2.26. For some reason it is not using the latest version of the KeePass.exe file which is on the same USB stick as the data file.
    I can't fathom out what I have done wrong and would appreciate help.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-07-21

    It sounds like you have KeePass 2.26 installed on the computer itself and the password database file type (.kdbx files) is associated with the computer installed version. If all you care about is running the current version of KeePass from whatever location then upgrade the computer installed copy of KeePass.

    Generally it is not desirable to associate file types with an executable located on a removable media, so if you want to be sure that you are running the USB copy of KeePass, run it explicitly by double clicking on the KeePass.exe (or a shortcut) on the USB drive and rely on KeePass to open the last used database or use the most recently used list. To open the last used database make sure that the setting 'Remember and automatically open last used database on startup' is checked in 'Tools>Options>Advanced(tab)>Start and Exit(section)'.

    If you prefer to associate the .kdbx file type to the executable located on the USB drive you can do it in KeePass in 'Tools>Options>Integration(tab)'.

    Note: If you have two copies of KeePass.exe available to the same computer you may also find that they use different settings files (keepass.config.xml).


    Last edit: wellread1 2014-07-21
  • David Lechner

    David Lechner - 2014-07-21

    If you are opening a .kdbx file by double-clicking on it, it will run the version of KeePass that installed on you computer and not the portable version. You need to upgrade the installed version using the .exe download or uninstall the installed version and only use the portable version.

    To make sure you are using the portable version, you must first start the portable version by double-clicking on KeePass.exe and then open your .kdbx file using File > Open > Open File... to open your file.

  • diego gonzales

    diego gonzales - 2014-07-22

    Thank you both for your prompt help here. You were (of course) right: the V2.26 is installed on my computer. However, this has me puzzled because I didn't need it on my computer and cannot remember having installed it. Windows Control Panel "Uninstall or change a program" tells me that V2.26 was installed around 3 months ago. I am the only person who has access to the computer (unless burglars have been and gone without my knowledge and, as far as I know, I am not a target for such attacks). Hence the following question: is there something in that Zip file which I expanded to the USB key which might inadvertently install KeyPass on the computer, e.g. if I were to inadvertently click on it ? There is a file called ShInstUtil.exe on the USB key. Can that install KeyPass on the computer ?

  • Paul

    Paul - 2014-07-22

    The KeePass installer is a separate file from the zip and the only way to install is is to run the installer exe file.

    cheers, Paul

    p.s. If you have your database on a USB stick make sure you have regular backups of the database to a hard disk / cloud location. One day you will lose the USB stick.

  • diego gonzales

    diego gonzales - 2014-07-22

    Thanks for that, Paul.

    I do indeed have remote backups so that when that lightning strikes (and it will one day !) I have recovery options. Also, I keep backups of mission-critical files from previous months and years so that if a file becomes corrupted without my noticing it there is a chance that I can recover data by going back to an old backup that was created before the corruption occurred.

    Do you or anyone else reading this know how to edit the thread title ? In the light of the explanations I have received it needs to be corrected (the Portable DID fully update) and marked as Solved.


    Last edit: diego gonzales 2014-07-22

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