
New Plugin KPEnhancedListview

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  • Mitch Capper

    Mitch Capper - 2010-04-05

    Sorry just to clarify I was also not suggesting you store data in every keepass entry, just one entry per folder.  CustomConfig may be a better way to go, the downside to using KP Entries is you have to accept users may screw with the data (even if its a dedicated entry for the data) so you need to write your code to accept anything could be in the entry and not die if it is, not hard to do but something to keep in mind when writing a plugin.

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-04-05

    Hi, thanks for Your response and ideas.

    My idea is to use both the m_host.CustomConfig and the m_host.Database.CustomData (maybe I find also a way for the folders/groups).
    The lower config should always overwrite the higher.
    For example the database overwrites the global keepass settings.

    Is it possible to store user stings or custom data in a folder / group?

    Next release will have the KeePass CustomConfig saving.

    Kind regards

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2010-04-06

    Groups don't support storing custom data, sorry.

    My suggestion would be that you create your own data structure (and store it in CustomData/CustomConfig), in which UUIDs are used to name/index group-specific data.

    Best regards

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-04-07

    Hi Dominik,

    is it possible two change some small parts of KeePass, so I can cleanup my code.

    Following functions should handle only the nativ columns of KeePass
    The problem is the line


    Can You insert something like that before:

    if (e.ColumnIndex < (int)AppDefs.ColumnId.Count)

    So I don't have to suppress these events.

    Maybe also for the function
    because I have to do the sorting again after adding the user strings

    And is it possible to declare this function as public:

    Thanks Frank

  • Dominik Reichl

    Dominik Reichl - 2010-04-19

    I don't really want to add these checks. From a KeePass point of view (i.e. without your plugin), these checks are unnecessary, and consequently such code will very likely cause regression bugs in the future. Of course I could add comments, but still I don't want to think about which consequences each line of code could have on plugins or what additional (unnecessary) code would be required to allow plugins to continue working. Please don't get me wrong, I very happily provide a stable API that plugins can use, but I don't want to spread out plugin-specific and -dependent code in KeePass.

    Suppressing the events looks like a perfect solution to me.

    I've now made EnsureVisibleEntry public.

    Best regards

  • Drs. Prei

    Drs. Prei - 2010-05-07

    Today I tried this plugin. Added a column 'Email'. All E-mailadresses showed up as expected.
    Then I doubleclicked an entry to enter edit-mode and closed this entry (without any editing).
    From that moment on all E-mailadresses in the Email column from the opened entry down were gone.
    Clicking on some different group and then on the original group made the E-mailadresses visible again.
    This looks like a bug.

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-05-08

    Hi pnreinders,
    can You reproduce the problem and describe the steps (or maybe a screenshot)
    I think it depends on the column that was marked for sorting?

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-05-08

    Preview of the Custom Columns Dialog:

  • Drs. Prei

    Drs. Prei - 2010-05-08

    After adding the column 'Email', it looks like this:

    After opening and closing an entry, it looks like this:

    The third, blue marked entry was opened by doubleclicking the Title and closed by clicking Cancel in the Edit-entry-window.

  • Drs. Prei

    Drs. Prei - 2010-05-08

    Sorry I messed up. It seems I haven't inserted my pictures the right way. With the link however I think you will be able to view the pictures. They are both there.

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-05-08

    Thanks for the pictures.

    I'm going to adapt my PlugIn for the KeePass 2.11 release:

    Then KeePass fills the columns and such problems should never happen anymore.

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-05-11

    Hi soundbd,
    which version do You use?
    It is actually only for version 2.10

  • soundbd

    soundbd - 2010-05-11

    I used currently use 2.10 also gad it with version 2.09.
    Maybe it helps (Win7 ult x64)

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-05-11

    I'm also using Win7 Ultimate x64
    Which .Net Framework do You use? (Please try using .NET 3.5)

    Next release will use the .PLGX plugin format and it will have session saving.

  • soundbd

    soundbd - 2010-05-11

    I'm already using .NET 3.5.1.

    Also tried it on other system, same error.

    Only thing i can think of is KeeFox which is installed on both systems,

  • soundbd

    soundbd - 2010-05-12

    I found the problem.
    KeeFox plugin is the problem (it makes more add-ons not working) .
    Going to contact developer.

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-05-13

    Thanks, good to know.
    Maybe You can post here, if there are any news about the problem.

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2010-07-14

    KPEnhancedListview for KeePass ≥ 2.10?  (Microsoft .NET Framework ≥ 3.5) is Online

    Save state InlineEditing / AddEntry in global KeePass settings for the next session
    Slow double click on image opens image editor
    Double click AddEntry toolmenu button added
    PLGX plugin file format

    InlineEditing detection

    Custom Columns from Plugins are ReadOnly per default
    NETFramework changed to 3.5
    Removed KPEnhancedListview CustomColumns functionality

  • Thomas

    Thomas - 2011-04-18

    Pitty one needs NetFX 3.5. Im still working with w2k, so I cannot use this plugin.

    I tested keepass and think its really great!
    The only downer for me are the unique and fixed listview-columnheaders.

    It would be a gread improvement, if
    1. one could adjust columnheaders visibility for each group separately
    2. one could change columnheaders caption for each group separately.


  • Mitch Capper

    Mitch Capper - 2011-04-18

    You could most likely rewrite to .net 2.0 with minimal effort I doubt it uses much if anything that is overly different in 3.5.  3.5 has been around for awhile and sadly I will not be changing the target myself to 2.0.     The other items are more about keepass but good luck!

  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2011-04-19

    If you need the Inline Editing of the Plugin, I can prepare a .Net 2.0 Version for You (There are only 2 or 3 functions from .NET 3.5 used)

    Your enhancements are more keepass specific, maybe You open a new topic regarding these points.

  • Thomas

    Thomas - 2011-04-19

    Thanks Frank,
    the inline editing is not the real thing I would appreciate, so don'T make this effort for me.
    Thank you anyway!
    The wishes I posted would however be a big progress, as we all have different requests to the layout as I suppose.

    Maybe it can be changed in further versions…


  • Frank Glaser

    Frank Glaser - 2012-03-10


    I've released a new Version:

    Change Log:
    Compatible with KeePass > 2.18

    Fixed  Issue 5

    New Features:
    Open Group on Header click
    Add Entry will add the entry to the corresponding group

    Inline Editing improved:
    Shift-Tab go backwards
    Cursor Keys will step into the direction
    Ctrl+Cursor Key force step
    Multiline Editing will show the complete lines
    Ctrl+Enter to add a new line

    KeePass Plugin Version Check implemented
    PLGX build automated

    Bugs fixed:
    On Edit show blank passwords do not hide
    Edit will remove NewLine breaks
    Edit notes fields with NewLines without changes is not detected and was always

    For more information, visit:

  • Icarus

    Icarus - 2013-03-23

    i would request a feature to delete spefic strings with less input (for example a vertical selection for strings in the grid).

    If I want to delete all or some specific 'KeePassHttp Settings' strings (incld. their values) in the entrys what is the best way to do that?

    I also asked for this feature in KeePass here:

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