
"Keepass has stopped working" after Full System Restore

  • Adendum

    Adendum - 2013-03-26

    KeePass is awesome and I've been using it daily for several months now and I use Keefox too...makes my life so much easier.

    But I had a fatal disk error today (25th March) and after a recovery I now get the 'stopped working' message.

    This afternoon I replaced the hard disk with a brand new one, freshly formatted and a basic Windows Vista Ultimate installation followed by a full recovery of the previous c:\ drive that was made on the 23rd - just two days earlier. All applications appear to be working as expected but as soon as KeePass runs I get the error message and it quits.

    I have since uninstalled KeePass and tried earlier versions but 2.20 still crashes. I have re-installed 2.21 again using the compact installation and this seems to get further and opens a database but as soon as I do anything I get the same error message.

    I am at a loss - and struggling as all my passwords are complex 20 character passwords!!

    So any help or advice appreciated!!

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2013-03-26

    What is the exact error message? Are you able to create a new database and use it? Can you see your stored passwords before KeePass crashes?

    It sounds like your windows installation is still damaged. You should make a copy of your .kdbx file to avoid damaging it while KeePass is not functioning correctly. If your KeePass database (.kdbx file) is NOT linked to the Windows User Account you can move it to a different computer and open it. If you use a key file, you will need it also.

    KeePass 2.x has a .NET dependency. Consequently if .NET is damaged, KeePass may crash. Microsoft has a .NET repair tool for versions 2.0-4.0 on Windows 7 and earlier. If a later version is installed (e.g. v 4.5) try uninstalling and reinstalling it.

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2013-03-26

    Also uninstall all of your KeePass plugins until you can verify that KeePass can open and manipulate KeePass databases stably.

  • Adendum

    Adendum - 2013-03-26


    I think I have resolved the issue. Not entirely sure how or why but it is working now.

    The exact error message is seen in the capture attached. It's a standard Windows Error dialogue. No other plugins used, just the basic Keepass install.

    I re-installed KeePass again but this time I changed the options as I normally have them (like exit minimises to the tray and so on) and since then (fingers crossed) it seems OK. I have added a new entry and edited another and I also re-installed Keefox and that seems to work OK too.

    I'll check out the .net repair too.


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