
KeePass EnhancedEntryView plugin FONT should be set to "Courier New"

  • JC

    JC - 2014-05-23

    The font on the KeePass EnhancedEntryView plugin needs to be fixed. Passwords that contain a lower case "L" looks like a vertical line, confusing with upper case "I". It looks correct in the Keepass app but not in the plugin. Sample from Keeypass app: iI1lL is very distinguishable with text set to "Courier New". The same should be set in the EnhancedEntryView plugin. Thanks!

  • wellread1

    wellread1 - 2014-05-23

    The font is controlled by the 'List Font' which is settable in Tools>Options>Integration>'Select List Font' button.

  • JC

    JC - 2015-08-22

    I'm using KP v2.30 and KPEEV v1.3.0.

    The only buttons I see in Tools>Options>Integration> is 'Create Association', 'Remove Association' and 'URL Overrides'.

    I'm using MS Sans Serif for KP standard view and Courier New for the password field. Problem is, KPEEV isn't using Courier New for the password field. Looks like it's using MS Sans Serif which display lower case L as upper case i. I rather not use Courier New everywhere just so the pwd in KPEEV shows corectly.

    Attaching some images for reference!



    Last edit: JC 2015-08-23
  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2015-08-23

    It's not "Tools>Options>Integration", it's "Tools>Options>Interface". That screen has two buttons just above "OK" and "Cancel" labeled "Select List Font" and "Select Password Font". Even tho I've used these settings before, it took me close to a half hour to find them again, despite wellread1's almost-hint. ;-) Oddly, tho, KPEnhancedEntryView uses the List Font for everything, including passwords.


    Last edit: T. Bug Reporter 2015-08-23
  • AlexVallat

    AlexVallat - 2015-08-23

    KPEnhancedEntryView uses List Font for the fields grid. If you are editing a protected field, the editor uses the Password Font.

    I'm not sure why you would find it odd, though. If you show passwords in the list, they use the list font. In the standard entry view, they use the list font. The only place the password font is used is in the secure editor, which is also the case for KPEnhancedEntryView.

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2015-08-23

    Ok, it's been so long since I dug into these settings that I forgot that it was possible to show the actual passwords in the default list view. I usually think of the password column as merely a place to drag from.

    I'm not sure why you would find it odd, though.

    The difference in my mind is that any place, such as KPEEV, where a password can be edited (as opposed to just viewed and copied to the clipboard) should use the password font to reduce ambiguity. However, as with any change, there will be people who won't like it, so maybe you could add a configuration option for this. OTOH, configuration options have a way of multiplying, so maybe not.


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