
Link Databases as sub tree

  • Mario Gleichmann

    A good feature would be, when I could link databases. e.g. following case description:

    I have a management database. In it I insert a link to a development database.
    In the first version:
    a click of this link the development database will be open as new tab with the right password. If the development database was moved, after the link was inserted, the database cannot be open.
    In the second version:
    the complete content of the development database a sub tree in the management database. All changes to the sub tree will be written direct to the development database. A search in the management database will be find entries in the development database too.

    With feature I could be better manage the different password files for the different user groups.

  • Paul

    Paul - 2013-11-17

    The first item is easy. Enter the command for KeePass in the URL.
    e.g. cmd://{APPDIR}\KeePass.exe pathtodatabase\database.kdbx
    Make sure you have KeePass set to single instance, Tools > Options > Advanced > Start and Exit.

    The second is unlikely to happen because you can already open multiple databases in separate tabs.

    cheers, Paul


    Last edit: Paul 2013-11-17

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