
Web UI for KeePass

  • Antelle

    Antelle - 2015-11-14

    Hello everyone!

    As Paul suggested, I'm starting a new thread for web UI I've created for working with KeePass files.
    Here's it:

    The app is written in javascript, it's free, open-source and hosted on GitHub. It doesn't require any server and operates entirely in browser.
    There are also desktop apps (wrapped with electron) for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. It's working with v2 format (kdbx).

    App features on one page. If you like or dislike the idea, or want some feature − please let me know, any feedback is appreciated.

  • Rick

    Rick - 2015-11-17

    Hi, i love the UI!
    Its modern, clear and smooth

    Features that I would like to see

    • global auto type via hotkey
    • autolock after a fixed time
    • unlock on secure Desktop
    • custom icons

    that's it for now ;)

    Bugs that i found

    • all themes are blurry on my 4k Display
    • the record indicator is showing wrong

    Last edit: Rick 2015-11-17
    • Antelle

      Antelle - 2015-11-18

      Hi, thanks!

      • autolock after a fixed time - already done in develop branch, will be available soon
      • custom icons - planned in a couple of weeks as well
      • global auto type via hotkey - planned for future
      • unlock on secure Desktop - I'm not sure whether it's possible in Electron, I'll check

      Here's the roadmap with planned features

      I'll check the bugs you've found. I assume you're on Windows, right? I've tested under Windows on MacBook retina (bootcamp) and it's ok. I'll investigate this...

  • Rick

    Rick - 2015-11-18

    Hi Antelle,

    yes, i am on Windows 10 x64

    I think have found another Bug.
    Auotsave is not working. I must always click on "save to file"

    Thanks for your great work!

    • Antelle

      Antelle - 2015-11-19

      Now this is made intentionally because 2-way merge and sync is in progress. Once resolved, save will work, and uploaded files will be merged with saved in-browser.

  • odooleg

    odooleg - 2015-11-21

    It can be folded to the group?

    • Antelle

      Antelle - 2015-11-21

      What do you mean? Can groups in group tree be collapsed/expanded? Yes, by double-click.

  • odooleg

    odooleg - 2015-12-01

    Увидел статью на Хабре :)
    А можно сделать, что бы папки открывались в свернутом состоянии и была такая же логика, как в самой программе keepass. А то получается всё в перемешку.

    • Antelle

      Antelle - 2015-12-02

      (I think we should use English on this forum to keep posts globally available, but you can always contact me directly if you wish).
      Here's a GitHub feature request regarding collapsed state save:

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2015-12-03

    I agree that English is preferred here, but we don't want to scare away those who aren't able to write in English. Also, sometimes a non-native speaker will make their message less intelligible by posting broken English instead of letting us use Google to translate for them.

    OTOH, I tried using Google to translate the message above and still couldn't figure out what the person was asking, so I guess the best advice for people posting here would be to use English if you're comfortable doing so, but don't be afraid to use your native language if you're not - and either way (and this is a lesson for me, too), don't be afraid to ask a person to rephrase their post if it doesn't translate well.


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