
Feature Rqst: Autotype - Place cursor in field by HTML "id" or "name"

paul t
  • paul t

    paul t - 2015-09-18

    I would like the ability for an Autotype sequence to move the cursor to a field on a form based on the field's HTML "id" or "name" property. This would be most useful when logging into Microsoft Outlook web access (OWA) pages. I have several situations where browsing to the OWA login page places the cursor at a different field. Below are some examples of the type of OWA login page I'm talking about. These have nothing to do with my employer or my employer's clients.

    If this feature could use a jQuery-like selection grammer to identify the field, so much the better. In my experience the "id" field may not be unique. Yes I know this is bad design. Not my web page.

  • T. Bug Reporter

    T. Bug Reporter - 2015-09-18

    KeePass knows nothing about the Web page it's Auto-Typing to; all it knows is that program X is displaying a window with a title that matches what you told KeePass to look for. KeePass doesn't even know whether the program it's sending keystrokes to is a Web browser or not; it very well could be something else entirely, like a word processor or a spreadsheet.

    Your suggestion is something that would be better handled by some sort of browser add-on.


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