
KBear 2.1 released

We are very glad to announce the release of KBear 2.1
KBear is a graphical FTP client for KDE/Linux with ability to concurrent connections to multiple hosts. This release contains several bug fixes, as well as new features including SOCKS support, firewall support, and new translations of the GUI and documentation.

This release contains several bugfixes as well as new features:
->SOCKS support
->Directory synchronizations local<>remote (experimental)
->Firewall support.
->Ability to use a single connection for all operations.
->Ability to set character encoding for remote site so for example chinese file names are displayed correctly.
-->Ability to automatically shut down application, internet connection and even system after finished downloads.
->Updated documentation translated into following languages:
->New GUI translations. Full translations available in following languages:
-->Traditional Chinese
-->European Portuguese
Partly translated languages:

For a complete feature list and downloads see:

Posted by Bj�rn Sahlstr�m 2002-12-15

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