

User Guide

NOTE TO THE TIMEKEEPERS: Remember, you are the timekeeper! Your most important duty is to start the timer when the Referee gives the "Hajime!" (either "Shobu hajime!" or "Tsuzukete hajime!") signal, and stop the timer when referee gives the "Yame!" signal. Nothing can be more important than this! To keep the score record, there is a Score Supervisor; you can consult with him and adjust the points and penalties when there is a pause in the current match - but keep your eyes (and ears) on the Referee, and your fingers on the "Space" key.

Start/Stop the time

The SPACE key.

Knock-out time

(Article 10, paragraph 7 of the WKF rules for kumite.)

The T key to start/stop the 10 seconds timer.


Points Aka Ao
+ 1 point Q P
- 1 point A L


Category 1 Aka Ao
+ 1 S K
- 1 X M
Category 2 Aka Ao
+ 1 D J
- 1 C N

Other keys

Key Purpose
5 Bunkai timer (Article 3, paragraph 9 of the WKF rules for kata.)
R Reset the time
U Set the default time
G Show the "Promo" screen (Click the "Options" button to set the texts for the Promo screen.)


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