
KaDoSu / News: Recent posts

Project move to

The move of kadosu is completed. We do not support any longer the project site on For bugs, comments, help and and and. Please join our team under or go the new project web site

Posted by Martin Schaaf 2008-11-01

Eclipse 3.4 and a move

The last commits are a synchronisation between my local repo and sf. They bring a lot of bugfixes and new features e.g. clickable result links and Eclipse 3.4 support. But these checkins will also be the last to Kadosu on Because we move our project to . The reason for this move is mainly that they use bzr as there version control system. An other reason is that I am mor familiar with there site and it is much more usefull to me and the Kadosu users. ... read more

Posted by Martin Schaaf 2008-09-26

Alpha release

Here you go. Our first release to show what is currently possible.

Posted by Martin Schaaf 2005-08-29