
JxtASK : W2P academic shared knowledge / News: Recent posts

upgraded jxtask 0.4.4 to jxta 2.5

Since 0.4.4 was developed using jxta-2.5-rc3 and since this rc contains a bug, I updated jxtask-bin package to use the new jxta-2.5 stable. The source code is still the same but in the bin package is now included the latest jxta stable lib.
It's recommended to upgrade to the new 0.4.4 package since some things are fixed.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-11-10

jxtask 0.4.4 released

see changelog for details

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-10-11

jxtask 0.4.3 released

See the ChangeLog for details

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-09-30

jxtask 0.4.2 released

0.4.2 is out, minor bugfixes and download file now works also from a peer to another. See ChangeLog for details.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-09-26

jxtask files was corrupted

I apologize since there was a problem uploading files, yesterday I removed the corrupted ones and replaced with two working files. Now it should be all right.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-09-26

jxtask released

A minor bugfix, if a peer receive a response from another that says the remote catalog is older, the peer won't keep asking.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-09-24

jxtask released

Improvement on gui, now all operations are executed in background so the gui doesn't freeze anymore on buttons click. Added tab download to check out the progress of the downloads.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-09-23 released

Now if a peer doesn't find another peer that has the catalog it falls back to local search.
Other bugs fixed.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-09-16 released

An important bug fix
Now entries in result table changes foreground while downloading :
green - downloaded
orange - downloading
red - error downloading

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-09-16

jxtask released

another minor bugfix release

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-30

jxtask released

a minor bugfix release

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-30

tikiwiki script released

Released create catalog script for tikiwiki.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-26

jxtask 0.4 released

In this version also searching using only the description is possible, catalogs checkboxes now are deleted or added when a catalog is deleted or added.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-26

xoops script 0.0.2 released

new released version :
- integrated code in index.php
- date control

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-25

jxtask released

two bugfixes :
- catalog can contain empty values
- url can have N subfolders

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-23

jxtask 0.3.1 and xoopsCreateCatalog 0.1.1 released

Released jxtask and xoops script.
News are, for jxtask :
search faster using binary search algorithm
and for xoops script :
fixed multiple xml headers bug

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-23

added xoops script to cvs

the module name is jxtask-script

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-23

released xoops catalog script

The first script is for xoops, it creates automatically the catalog that can be downloaded by a jxtask peer

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-22

jxtask released

a minor bug fix release.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-14

jxtask 0.3 released

New version with feature of automatically add at local catalog other peer local catalog results.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-04-06

jxtask released

Some minor bugfixes in this release.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-03-30

jxtask-0.2.1 released

some minor bug fixes from 0.2

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-03-24

jxtask 0.2 released!

jxtask 0.2 released : changes are :
- possibility to create a local peer catalog inserting entries
- new searching features :
-searching in the new local catalog
-searching in other peers local catalogs
-searching in other web catalogs

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-03-22

jxtask 0.1.1 released

jxtask 0.1.1 released : changes are :
- reduced output
- when search results arrives the tab changes the title adding number of results and the selected tab switches automatically to results.

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-03-13

jxtask 0.1 released

0.1 released! The program can :
- download and exchange catalogs
- search in catalogs
- download from websites the files

Posted by Marcello Magaldi 2007-03-12