
#9 Event consumed : Clipboard issue while using CTRL+C hotkey

v1.0 (example)

I used jxgrabkey-0.3.2_ubuntu910_i386 ,

I tried to use jxgrabkey as an hotkey interceptor but not willing to prevent other running process listing to this key combination from
getting notified.

I tried a CTRL+C hot key listener defined as follow :
int key = KeyEvent.VK_C;
int mask = KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK;

When typing CTRL+C the HotKeyListener is called but the event is "consumed" and the X11 System Clipboard is not updated.

Is there a way to avoid this behaviour ? I mean putting back the event after getting notified ?


  • Edwin Stang

    Edwin Stang - 2010-04-03

    Hi, I actually don't know. I've oriented myself on xbindkey's implementation of the X11 related stuff. If you find an elegant way to the event back, I would be willing to add this as a configrable feature.

    Though afaik the clipboard is a window hotkey managed by the widget framework, not a global one managed by x11.
    Thats why you don't get a hotkeyconflictexception on bind, which is normally caused by x11 when multiple apps try to bind to the same hotkey.

    So, maybe it will be possible to give the event back to the windows, but it won't be possible to allow other apps to get the ctrl+c event, because they won't be allowed to listen to it.

    JXGrabkey.cpp shouldn't be too hard to understand for you, So ideally a patch would be nice. :)

  • Edwin Stang

    Edwin Stang - 2016-06-30
    • status: open --> wont-fix
    • Group: --> v1.0 (example)

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