
JXFire - A Java Multi User Dungeon Game / News: Recent posts

JXFire Journal Entry, May 11th

What ? Still alive ? Yes.
What's up recently ? A new, SGS-based, server code. Go have a look at the SVN (in the sgs/ subdirectory) for the details. A revamped website is likely to follow soon. Stay Tuned !

Posted by Chachkoff Yann 2008-05-11

sign of life

Yes, we are still alive though we are currently not commiting to CVS. And we are still looking for people to help us. If you are interested please contact one of us so we can tell you more.

Posted by Philipp Currlin 2003-01-21

IRC channel moved

We have created a new IRC channel called #jxfire on
Anybody may join us there to help or simply talk about jxfire.

Posted by Philipp Currlin 2002-08-19

JXfire: Initial developer's release available

The current JXFire code is now available for download on SourceForge (at last !). It isn't able to do a lot right now - basic connection framework between the various components of the distributed architecture and with a Classic Crossfire client. Not a lot, isn't it ? But hey, Roma wasn't built in one day :)

Posted by Chachkoff Yann 2002-08-17

Homepage updated

I have updated our homepage with a new look and added some more information about JXFire. Please take a look and send any comments to me.

Posted by Philipp Currlin 2002-06-22