
SunOS problems

  • Ken Weinert

    Ken Weinert - 2003-02-05

    It almost works, I think :) It's just a linking problem - hopefully someone here has seen it before and can tell me how to resolve it (or at least point me in the direction I need to go.)

    Here are the erros on linking:
    g++ -fpermissive -Wall -O2 -o build/maildemo objs/mail.o objs/mailer.o -lnls -lsocket
    Undefined                       first referenced
    symbol                             in file
    gethostbyname                       objs/mailer.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /usr/lib/
    gethostbyaddr                       objs/mailer.o  (symbol belongs to implicit dependency /usr/lib/
    inet_aton                           objs/mailer.o
    ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to build/maildemo

    Oh, one quick note: I had to change all the _[A-Z] (and those like them) enums in base64.h to be B64_[A-Z] since on Solaris it appears as if there are already some of those defined (for example, _B and _C) -.

    I hope we can get this linking issue resolved - this class is the perfect answer to a problem I have.

    Thanks for a nice piece of software that will get used on other projects as well.

    • John Wiggins

      John Wiggins - 2003-02-05

      Did you try just using the Makefile directly.
      i.e. just type (in the unpacked codes directory):
         "make mail"
      on the command line rather than
      g++ -fpermissive -Wall -O2 -o build/maildemo objs/mail.o objs/mailer.o -lnls -lsocket

      'g++' will then be called thus, minus the '-l' calls:
      g++ -Wall -c mailer.cpp -o objs/mailer.o
      g++ -Wall -c mail.cpp -o objs/mail.o
      g++ -o build/maildemo objs/mail.o objs/mailer.o

      Let me know what errors you get at this point.

    • Ken Weinert

      Ken Weinert - 2003-02-05

      No, I added the -l calls to the makefile as this is what normally resolves the gethost entries.

      and -fpermissive was added on advice from someone else, but it didnt' help.

      With or without the flags I get the same response. I did add -lresolv and that fixed the inet_aton problem.

      (I apologize for adding this thread again - an unfortunate side effect of me hitting refresh to see if there had been a reply to my message)

    • John Wiggins

      John Wiggins - 2003-02-06

      Back to the drawing board. The problem here is that I do not have a SunOS powered machine to understand its compiling quirks! Did you do a make clean before trying again, silly question sorry. Just in case it works. As I say I tested on linux and win98/XP I am stumped at present.
      Have you tried reversing -lnsl -lsocket i.e.
      -lsocket -lnsl
      sounds stoopid but hey!!!
      check this:

      • Ken Weinert

        Ken Weinert - 2003-02-06

        ok, who's the smart aleck here!?

        It turns out that if you link nsl instead of nls it will work much better. I'm usually pretty good as a proofreader, but this one took *much* too long to find.


        Thanks for your help and input. I can now report that as long as you add -lsocket -lresolv -lnsl  to the link statements that this class will compile and link under SunOS-i386 and SunOS-sparc (version 8 in both cases, although I don't think that matters.)

    • John Wiggins

      John Wiggins - 2003-02-06

      Excellent, maybe i'll change the Makefile to reflect this.


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