
#28 Verb Sentence Frames BUG

v1.0 (example)

I found the following BUGS in JWNL:

The method Synset.getVerbFrames() returns verb frames that are not applicable to all words of a synset.

The method Verb.getVerbFrames() returns verb frames that are not applicable to a specific verb of a verbs synset.

For example, one of the senses of the verb "complete" is in synset "00479055". This synset has four verb sentence frames: "02", "33", "08" and "11". The first two verb sentence frames are applicable to all verbs of this synset ("complete" and "finish") but the last two verb sentence frames are aplicable only to the verb "complete".

The method Synset.getVerbFrames() returns verb sentence frames "02", "33", "08" and "11" for synset "00479055" but it should return verb sentence frames "02" and "33" only.

The method Verb.getVerbFrames() returns verb sentence frames "02", "33", "08" and "11" for synset "00479055" but it should return verb sentence frames "08" and "11" only.


  • Brett Walenz

    Brett Walenz - 2009-02-16

    This bug has been around since before I was on the project, but I believe I fixed it. Committed the revision in SVN, which touched both the file dictionary and database dictionary.

    For the verb "complete" the synset(00479055) now returns only verb frames 2 and 33, but the Word "complete" returns all four frames. Finish returns only 2 and 33.

  • Brett Walenz

    Brett Walenz - 2009-02-16
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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